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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Vermont Health Department concealing number of refugees with contagious TB

By   /   June 27, 2016  /   News  /   101 Comments

Epidemiologists at the Vermont Department of Health are concealing the number of refugees with contagious active tuberculosis nearly a month after Watchdog reported that more than one-third of Vermont’s resettled refugees test positive for TB.

Earlier this month, Watchdog revealed that 35 percent of Vermont’s incoming refugees in the past four years tested positive for tuberculosis. How many of those cases are contagious and symptomatic, however, remains a secret, as state epidemiologists and top officials at the Health Department have spent weeks blocking efforts to obtain the data.

Refugees brought to the United States take TB tests as part of comprehensive health screening. For refugees resettled in Vermont, the Department of Health’s Refugee Health Program monitors test results and treats patients who have active TB disease. Unlike latent tuberculosis infection, active TB disease is contagious, symptomatic and even deadly.....Read More...

My Take - Can someone explain to me why this whole refugee issue created by Obama isn't treason?  We have a health system he's made a complete mess of and now we're supposed to pay for these "refugees" health care?  He's made a mess of the economy.  He's violated the Constitution unendingly and clearly deserves to be impeached.  He's spent enormous sums of money on completely failed green energy programs and is now attempting to force a new clear air standards act that will literally destroy industry in America, just he way he's destroyed the coal industry and coal fired power plants.  Can someone explain to me how this man still have a 50% approval rating?  Can someone explain to me why they don't think he's deliberately attempting to destroy America?  Can someone tell me why the nation tolerates such a man?  Can someone tell me why Hillary isn't in jail?

Well, I can!  We've lost our minds.  

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