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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Secret Negotiations between Carter and Khomeini

By Manda Zand Ervin

The reporters of the BBC Persian language have been exposing the history of a conspiracy between Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic tyranny in Iran, and President Jimmy Carter, during the 1978-1979 so-called “revolution”.

The CIA documents show how the two men negotiated on terms of agreements for replacing the progressive, secular Shah with the fanatic Islamist Khomeini. We now know that Khomeini had written a letter to President John F. Kennedy on November 6th of 1963, asking to be considered for establishing an Islamic rule in Iran.

According to the documents; Khomeini had promised that he will not oppose American interests in Iran. President Kennedy was assassinated two weeks later and Khomeini was left without response from America. Khomeini continued his ever louder opposition to the Shah on every progressive action that he took. The documents in the Carter library report that Khomeini was not one of the important members of opposition, though he was the loudest........ Read more

My Take - The fact of the matter is Carter is directly responsible for the Islamic disaster we're facing with his betrayal of the Shah of Iran and complicity in the take over of Iran by Khomeini's crowd. He's also responsible for the worldwide economic mess we're facing by passing the Community Reinvestment Act, which created the housing bubble, which caused the crash. And he was only a one term President and only the second dumbest President to occupy the White House. Can you imagine what the long term consequences of having the dumbest man to over occupy the White House for eight years will be?

We're heading into cataclysmic events that will overturn every institution and stable structure in the world.  The EU is doomed, Europe will cease to exist as we know it by 2030, and it’s unlikely Greece will even be a country by then, and Italy, which is the world’s eighth largest economy - has a banking mess and it’s far from a stable unified country.  In Russia - in spite of all that Putin is doing that seems provocative - in reality - he’s acting provocatively because he’s scared.

We're heading into worldwide cataclysmic events that will overturn every institution and stable structure in the world  -  and Barry Soetoro will be the cause of much of it.

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