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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Obama's DOJ opens investigation 1 day after police shooting in Baton Rouge

The U.S. Justice Department opened a federal civil rights investigation Wednesday into the videotaped police killing of a black man who was shot as officers wrestled with him on the pavement outside a convenience store.The announcement came a day after the killing of 37-year-old Alton Sterling, who authorities say was confronted by police after an anonymous caller said he had threatened someone with a gun outside the store where he was selling homemade CDs.  In a cellphone video taken by a community activist, two officers had Sterling pinned to the ground, and gunfire erupted moments after someone yelled, “He’s got a gun! Gun!” Baton Rouge police have not said whether Sterling in fact had a gun......Read more

My Take - What part of, "you don't fight with the police", is so hard to grasp?  If the governor is so concerned perhaps he should don a uniform and start patrolling the black neighborhoods.  It's not the white population that's going there and robbing the local store owners, raping the black women, selling drugs to the young black kids or murdering people in the black community, it's the blacks in those neighborhoods - so what are the police to do when confronted by violent people.  

And what if the police stopped doing their jobs in those neighborhoods?  There certainly wouldn't be any issues over "police misconduct" would there?  And what does the governor think would happen then?   Those neighborhoods are a war zone and the police operating in those neighborhoods put lives are on the line daily - they're under a lot more stress the governor is while listening to these race baiting "community activists". 

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