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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, July 4, 2016

Science Proves That Man & Fossil Fuels Are NOT the Cause of Climate Change

By Byron Claghorn

The Man-Made Climate Change and Global Warming hypothesis does not even qualify as a theory since these Global Warming Alarmists (GWA) have not been able to prove their case with actual scientific observations following accepted scientific method.  Instead the GWA rely on their own man-made computer models based on the shaky Premise and Assumptions that Man’s use of Fossil Fuels produces atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2) that is now causing unlimited and catastrophic warming that will as a result devastate the Earth and its population later in this 21st Century when the CO2 concentration-level reaches or exceeds 600 ppm (parts-per- million).....Read more...

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