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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, July 4, 2016

Harvard journal refuses to retract 'Gospel of Jesus' Wife' story

Jonah Hicap

A Harvard University journal has refused to retract an article it published in 2014 about the “Gospel of Jesus’ Wife” papyrus fragment despite the fact that its author has admitted that the scrap of paper is a forgery. In 2012, Karen King, an expert in the history of Christianity and who works at Harvard Divinity School, took the world by storm when she presented a papyrus that indicated, according to her, that Jesus had a wife. She unveiled the “Gospel of Jesus’s Wife” papyrus that contained the text “Jesus said to them, ‘my wife…” at a Coptic Studies congress held across the street from St. Peter’s Square. In 2014, the Harvard Theological Review published King’s findings......Read more

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