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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Flawed Person vs. Toxic Party: The 2016 Choice

By Bruce Heiden

Jonah Goldberg recently criticized  conservative defenders of Donald Trump for refusing to acknowledge that the 2016 election confronts us with a no-win scenario: "we are being asked what kind of bread our mandatory crap sandwiches shall be served on." The criteria for Goldberg's equivalence between the presumptive Republican and Democratic nominees are "ideas" (by which I think he means "policy ideas") and "character," with particular emphasis upon the latter.

Goldberg intends to muddle through November with a calm conscience by "[saying] Hillary is corrupt, deceitful, and unqualified and [saying] likewise about Trump." That's Goldberg's prerogative, but if he spends the rest of the year writing about the character and qualifications of the individual candidates, he'll just be distracting his readers' attention from the really important stakes.

Hillary Clinton is about to become the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party...... This party is guided by a fairly coherent and widely propagated ideology, a variant of Marxism.......This "progressive" ideology does not reside inertly inside Democratic heads.  The Party's numerous adherents derive a sense of deep purpose in advancing the aforesaid struggles wherever the opportunity presents itself to them as individuals........Read more

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