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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Coal company warns of mass layoffs

Timothy Cama

Murray Energy Corp. says it might lay off up to 82 percent of its workforce in September, due in part to President Obama....... 4,400 employees in six states.....“These workforce reductions are due to the ongoing destruction of the United States coal industry by President Barack Obama, and his supporters, and the increased utilization of natural gas to generate electricity,” the company said in a Friday statement.....The coal industry employs fewer than 60,000 people, compared with the more than 80,000 jobs in 2008.  Murray has been an outspoken critic of Obama and his policies that hurt coal, calling him “the greatest destroyer America has ever had.” The company frequently files lawsuits against the Obama administration for its environmental regulations.

He predicted that Trump “will be the best president of our lifetimes.”

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