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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, August 10, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

This Link will take you to My Commentaries.  This Link will take you to My Commentaries by topic.  This Link will take you to My Global Warming Commentaries

By Rich Kozlovich 

Well, this isn't much to offer this week since we had a severe thunderstorm/tornado on Wednesday at 5:00 PM, That shut down the power to over 300,000 residents and businesses in N.E. Ohio.  The power was off at my home until around 5:00 PM today, Saturday, so, nothing after Wednesday, but there are none the less some good commentaries for your perusal.   


The big story is Kamala's pick for VP, Governor Walz, a human disaster, and as this keeps playing out we may see another Eagleton scenario.   I remember the Eagleton scenario and that was one of my earliest thoughts over all the stuff coming out about Walz.   

It's clear she and her staff are as incompetent as was McGovern and his staff, but the fact is, they're all leftists! Weak minded, lazy, ignorant, arrogant, and arrogant about their ignorance.

They live in a echo chamber of head nodding assurance of their greatness, and one of the reasons why is they're unendingly praised for doing nothing by an enabling media, and getting a pass from them for their stupidity and corruption,  Since they never hear anything negative by the media, and are never or rarely called to task for their idiocy, they must be brilliant. 

They're not used to rowing against the tide, and now they're finding .... wow.... that's really hard work.

This was, in my opinion,  a scenario that was going to play out no matter who she picked. When you're on a team with a remarkably weak bench, weak thinkers, and weak character, you get losers as relief pitchers. In this case that applies to the starting pitcher as well.

The big problem is as vile as he is, Kamala is no better.  What a rock and a hard place Obama and his cabal running the Democrat party has gotten themselves into.  Break out the popcorn folks, it's going to be an interesting show.   I will be having more on this next week.

As for today, I have six commentaries of my own, and twelve from others.  As I said, short week.  Let's start today's edition with my friend John Droz, Jr's.  The Media Balance Newsletter: 8/5/24, "what you won't find in one place, anywhere else."

My Commentaries

  1. The Uniform Code of Military Justice is Neither Uniform, or Justice, Part III
  2. In Politics, There Are No Coincidences
  3. It Was Day 17, And The Secret Service Still Knew Nothing
  4. Fixing the Issue of Climate
  5. The World as I See It: August 5, 2024
  6. The Agenda!


  1. Strange Bedfellows: Loyalties Shift in Novel Ways for Kamala Harris By James Fite
  2. The New Weird By Daniel Greenfield
  3. Professor Lichtman and his Political Crystal Ball By Joe Friedman
  4. FDR and the Democrats’ Unmatched Undemocratic Ways By Mary Grabar
  5. Kamala Has Been Anointed! You Shall Not Criticize Her, You Racist! By Robin Itzler
  6. The Establishment Ensures That Gaslighting Paves The Way To MarxismBy Robin Itzler
  7. Paris Olympics Displays Climate Change Hypocrisy By John Klar
  8. What Should Be Done with Lazy and Ungrateful Migrants? By Dan Mitchell
  9. The (Non) Mystery of Economic Growth By Dan Mitchell
  10. The Case for Social Security ReformBy Dan Mitchell
  11. Weighing N.Y.'s Climate Statute By Francis Menton
  12. The Energy Transition Ain't Happening: "Green" Economy In RetreatBy Francis Menton

Permanent Links

  1. 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America as Listed in the 1963 Congressional Record
  2. My Seven Rules of Geopolitics
  3. The John Boyd Legion of Honor
  4. An Analysis: Senate Race 2024 and More

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You know that voice in your head that keeps you from saying the things you shouldn't say?  Yeah, I don't have that!    We need to question everything because everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality!  Much of what we're told does not!

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