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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, August 5, 2024

The World as I See It: August 5, 2024

By Rich Kozlovich

The Nikkei collapsed, and as Matt Vespa says, It's Likely Going to Be a Rough Day on Wall Street Today.  So, what's that mean to America?  Well, he advises to avoid the pain, don’t look at your 401ks.   

Stock futures fell, Nasdaq Composite dropped into correction territory ( I have no idea what that means, but it doesn't sound like a good thing), the S&P 5oo had a third down week, Dow Jones Average is now falling, Treasury yields "tumbled", all followed by a bad jobs report, and we're heading into a big recession.  

It will really be interesting to see how Kamala explains how it's all Trump's fault, right along with how the "Cloud" is real, which explains why she's avoiding news conferences.    As Newt Gingrich says Republicans should just let Kamala be Kamala.  That should sink her.

Then there's this.  Nancy Pelosi wants Joe Biden added to Mt. Rushmore.  And Democrats claim Republicans are weird.  Imagine that. 

Israel was waging a restricted war with Hamas, and now it's with Hezbollah, and Iran, but now it's going to be a war for victory, not some idiotic two state solution, and now that Biden is done, and Kamala, her husband, and her brother-in-law are on the same anti Israel page, the Israelis are telling them to shove it and do what needs to be done.  

Iran's leadership may not like the outcome over all of this since they're already facing a lot of discontent internally.  Now Iran is telling the other Arab nations they will attack them also if they make any attempt to intervene in it's attack on Israel.  Why are they making this treat?  Well, one, they're stupid, and two, these nations are not on board with what Iran's doing, and three, these nations are already are in a fight with Iran behind the scenes, so that's going to be interesting to watch. 

At this point I wish more people had read the Guns of August. 

When you sow the wind, you can reap the whirlwind, and now Democrat radicals are finding Lawfare is a two way street, as  Students Hit Leftist ‘Squad’ Members with Lawsuit.  "Some leftist members of the “Squad” in Congress are facing a class-action lawsuit regarding the anti-Israel encampment and protests that erupted at Columbia University a few months ago."  This will be interesting to watch.  

The Paris Olympics is a disastrous, "orgy of Christian-bashing and gender-bending"...... further controversy went viral after a twenty-five-year-old Algerian who appeared to be male battered an Italian female into literal submission in women’s 66-kilogram division boxing."

It turns out the California Bar Association, the one that was so outraged at Trump's well respected attorney John Eastman they worked to get his license revoked, has stolen a mere "95 million dollars form client trust accounts to fund open borders." 

The way it works is simple. The money held in trust by lawyers is pooled into interest bearing checking accounts and the interest is stolen to fund leftist groups. Everyone from accident victims to widows has been quietly robbed for the last 40 years in the name of social justice.

And apparently this isn't unique to California.  It appears this is a pattern for bar associations nationwide, to the tune of billions of dollars, and has been going on for decades.  

This Secret Service is in for a massive shake up.  Not only are they clearly hiding information  about the Trump assassination attempt to cover their hides, they're now being exposed for withholding intel on ‘high potential’ for J6 violence, which was probably a load of horsepucky, but it also shows there's been serious conflicts between the leadership and the rank and file. 

Here's the reality of the Democrat immigration policies.  Cross to Crescent: The Quiet Islamic Conquest of American Churches and Christians, Turkish Invasion: America Is Allowing Erdoğan to Build Military Outposts on U.S. Soil to Train Soldiers for Islamic Conquest, all leading to the disintegration of America. 

Well, that's just the tip of the iceberg, it's actually a lot worse.  Have a good day.

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