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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, August 5, 2024

Swamp the Vote ... Early!

By Robin Itzler

Early or near/on Election Day? Republicans are united behind Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, but there is still one major issue they debate: when to cast their ballot. While we need to return to one day voting with paper ballots and showing identification, let’s recognize that in 2024, that’s not going to be the case in many states. 

  • What should America First Patriots do? 
  • Vote early? Vote near Election Day? 
  • Vote on Election Day? 

Swamp the Vote, the PAC working closely with the Trump campaign, is asking Trump supporters to vote early. From Swamp the Vote website:  

Every single pro-Trump and Republican voter needs to cast their vote to guarantee our victory. Our win margin must be TOO BIG TO RIG. The only way to ensure that is by beating the far-left liberals at their own game – by voting before Election Day!

If you’re still unsure when to vote, consider what happened on July 19 when CrowdStrike’s faulty update caused worldwide technological problems—grounding flights, knocking down computer systems needed in industries as varied as financial, media, hospitals, government and more. What if a computer glitch happens on Election Day?

It doesn’t even have to be a technological issue. Consider what occurred on February 13, 2024 in New York’s 3rd Congressional District special election to replace Republican Representative George Santos.

As usual, Democrats voted early, and Republicans waited for February 13—Election Day. Lo and behold, a SNOWSTORM hit New York making it nearly impossible to safely walk or drive. Republican leadership frantically tried to rent snow plows! It was too late … Democrat Tom Suozzi defeated Republican Mazi Pilip in the special election. You might live where there’s the potential of earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding … OR it could be a perfect weather day but YOU have a personal emergency that keeps you from voting. It won’t matter to Democrats as they will have already voted. It will matter to Republican candidates.

Honestly, friends, we can make a case for voting early or voting near/on Election Day. We trust President Trump and if his campaign says to vote early, that is what we plan to do. If you decide to vote on/near Election Day, as Jerry Seinfeld often said, “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

« The important thing is to VOTE! «

— Preferably, do NOT mail your ballot; you or someone you trust should deliver your ballot to the Registrar of Voters — « And to be sure all like-minded people you know also VOTE! «

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