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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, August 5, 2024

Democrats Want to Destroy the Supreme Court

By Robin Itzler 

Last week, lame-duck President Joe Biden announced he wanted sweeping changes to the Supreme Court. Biden’s three proposals to reform the Supreme Court: = Term limits for justices (which goes against our Founding Fathers). = Binding code of Supreme Court ethics (whose ethics?). = Constitutional amendment overturning the Court’s recent decision giving presidents immunity in official acts (which needs two-thirds of the STATES to approve; ain’t gonna happen). 

Joey knows his proposal has as much chance of success as Hamas leaders being bar mitvahed. 

The entire purpose is to energize Marxists (aka Democrats) with a reason to vote. Should the left successfully steal another presidential election and install Kamala “Cacklin’” Harris, you can expect altering the Supreme Court to be at the top of their wish list. Harris would probably add stacking the Court with more Marxists, too. 

Kamala Harris is even more radical than Bernie Sanders.

On the REPUBLICAN side, everything you need to know about communist Kamala Harris is in a 90-second ad. Republican senatorial candidate Dave McCormick has an X/Twitter ad that shows in 90-seconds Kamala Harris’ communist positions. Watch and share it:

Kamala Harris’ voting record in Congress was more progressive than Socialist Bernie Sanders!

The nonpartisan GovTrack rated Harris as the most liberal U.S. Senator.

NOTE: The supposed nonpartisan GovTrack removed this information from its website.

On the DEMOCRAT side, beyond being known as a horrible boss (90+ percent staff turnover as vice president), when Harris was California’s attorney general, she demanded that her staff call her “General.” Harris doesn’t even know that being attorney general has nothing to do with the military.

On the DEMOCRAT side, Democrats have THREE seats to defend that are all in states that voted for President Trump in 2020. They have FIVE seats to defend in states Biden won by 3 percent or less. HISTORICALLY, voters vote for the same party for president as they do the Senate.

On the INDEPENDENT side, the pro-Kennedy super PAC American Values 2024 launched a $310,000 short-term ad campaign in D.C. and New York promoting the message “Only Kennedy Can Beat Trump.” The PAC’s Larry Sharpe said: “It doesn’t matter who the Dems anoint, they can’t beat Trump. America needs to realize that the sacrificial lamb the Democrats put up, is exactly that, a sacrifice with no chance of winning. The race is now between Kennedy and Trump.”

To duplicate the very successful Trump and Vance rallies, Kamala Harris’ team holds CONCERTS before Saint Kamala shows up to speak. Most people leave after the concert.

Ignore polls. They are designed for an intended result. Instead, look at what bettors are betting on. Link below. Read “Why Has the Biden Administration Donated Close to $1 BILLION in ‘Aid’ to Hamas Since the October 7 Massacre?” by Robert Williams at The Gatestone Institute — link below. 


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Why Has the Biden Administration Donated Close to $1 BILLION in "Aid" to Hamas Since the October 7 Massacre? by Robert Williams.


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