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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Washington State's Ministry of Misinformation

The Left is Like Rust.  It Never Sleeps! 

By Rich Kozlovich 

Political Cartoons by Al Goodwyn
No matter how well you may write, or how great your evidence or logic may be, there are just some things that just don't have the impact of a good cartoon. 

On March 7, 2023 published this article, Nazi Attorney General Bob Ferguson Wants Conservatives Jailed For Voicing Opinions saying:

Ferguson is a product of being able to run amok in a super liberal environment. His self-righteousness is nauseating. In his woke world, someone with a difference of opinion should be silenced, forced into counseling, or jailed.

We already saw just such an effort by the Biden administration to create a "Ministry of Truth" (The actual name is the Disinformation Governance Board.  The truthful name would be the Ministry of Propaganda, Censorship, and Coercion) under the auspices of Home Land Security, another government entity that's not only been a abject failure as it's now been weaponized against Americans by the Obama and Biden administrations, it needs to be dumped into the ash heap of history, and Secretary Mayorkas is the perfect example of why that needs to happen. 

On May 06, 2022 Matt Vespa wrote about this saying:

This disinformation secret police the Department of Homeland Security is establishing is beyond outrageous. It won’t overreach they said. Really? The government literally has no standing here—no credibility.  Everything in DC has been weaponized to attack the enemies of the political class. Every agency with law enforcement capabilities or the ability to jail people has been used to go after conservatives for the past decade or so. It started with Obama. It’s coming back to finish the job with Biden. The IRS and DOJ are compromised. They’re long gone. Now, the DHS is next.

One of the things they wanted to "crack down on" was anything that questioned vaccines, masks, and especially voter fraud.  And who did they pick to be in charge of this Ministry of Misinformation?  Nina Jankowicz, the queen of misinformation and bizarre behavior.  As Louisiana Senator John Kennedy stated to Secretary Mayorkas:

"I am in awe of Miss Jankowicz.  I have watched her with slack jawed astonishment.  Who picked her?" 

Monica Showalter has a piece that's up to date regarding the current activities of the Czarina of misinformation, and it demonstrates how America dodged a bullet when she and the new agency went down in flames. as she's now trying to raise funds to sue Fox News for saying mean things about her.

Vespa went on in another piece asking:  Will You Be Shocked If the DHS' Disinformation Task Force Becomes a Violent Left-Wing Fantasy?  That's what this is all about in both the United States, and Canada.  How insane is it getting in Canada?  Don't kill me, Canada! "Our neighbor to the north is enthusiastically signing death warrants for its most vulnerable citizens." 

And Trudeau isn't alone in his insanity.  "A Yale professor of economics suggested that older people in Japan should die by mass suicide."

First, if passed, this will be challenged and will be labeled as an unconstitutional effort to thwart free speech, and even the ninth circuit would have to find this unconstitutional.  It's often been said, if you listen carefully, people will tell you what they're going to do.  Notice the effort this commission would be charged to accomplish:

"collecting data on incidents of domestic violent information."  

And since the left is notorious for redefining the English language to suit themselves.  How about articles this  pandemic is a fraud masks are worthless, vaccinations aren't vaccinations and are causing serious long term health consequences, including making people more susceptible to these coronaviruses.  That the "survival rate is estimated at between 97% and 99.75%."   Would that be construed as "domestic violent information?"  You bet it would, because while all truthful and provable, it's not part of the leftist narrative.

I think we can reasonably call this effort by Washington State's Attorney General for what it is.  An enemies list compiled by government to tyrannize the citizens of America into silence, compliance, and obedience to whatever leftist agenda is the narrative of the moment, and each narrative will become more draconian until communism is imposed on America. 

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