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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, March 2, 2023

The Woke Wrecking Machine

Americans should end it now before it ends America first.

Almost everything that has followed from the woke mass hysteria gripping the nation since 2020 has proved disastrous.  Wokeism destroys meritocracy in favor of forced equality of result—history’s prescription for civilizational decline.  If we continue with the woke hiring of administrators, air traffic controllers, ground crews, pilots, and rail workers, there will be even more news of disasters and near-miss airline crashes. 

Wokeness demands a McCarthyite suppression of free expression. No wonder a woke FBI recently hired out social media censors to suppress stories it deemed unhelpful. Soviet-style, wokeism mandates strict ideological party-line narratives under the cover of “science.” No wonder a woke government lied that requiring vaccines would prevent both infection and infectiousness. Woke substitutes race for class in its eternal neo-Marxist quest to divide permanently the nation along racial lines, between victims and victimizers. ...........

Wokesters had long suppressed that reality, demonizing any who rejected its orthodox lies and spoke a larger truth: A dystopic China is not our global partner in greening the planet. Criticizing Stalinist China is not “racist.” China is not building a progressive society that is a model for others. .............Woke dogma mandates that pollution and poverty are no longer concerns—if they affect the white poor who are stereotyped collectively as privileged victimizers.............Data on interracial and hate crimes show even sharper racial disproportionalities. The incidence of both black violent criminal perpetrators and black crime victims are near historical highs. 

Woke policies of no cash bail, downgrading felonies, and no jail time only spiked violent lawlessness.................But in the meantime, Americans should end it now before it ends America first.........To Read More...

 My Take - In this article Hanson claims data shows Russia's economy is as strong as it was before the invasion.  I don't know what date he's referring to but I disagree.  Here was my Economics and the Russo/Ukrainian War commentary.  

How can a country that's not a natural capital generating nation, that can't create their own internal  market, has little to offer the world except energy supplies, which they're now selling a huge discounts, and is spending 20 billion dollars a month on a war they're not winning, end up with a stronger economy than when they started?

I find his statement especially strange since they don't have the capacity to build their own weapons and have such a serious demographic problem they have to recruit from places like Syria and Iran.  If they don't have sufficient population to man their own army, then one has to ask, where is the population that's creating wealth in that nation?  Not to mention people, including the smartest and most capable, are fleeing Russia to avoid concscription, adding further strain on their demographics, their economy and their foundational social structure.  How could that possibly make their economy stronger? 

I like much of what Hanson says, but I think he's wrong about Russia, but absolutely right about the danger Wokeism is to America.


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