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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, March 3, 2023

Senate Hearing on Attorney General Merrick Garland

By Rich Kozlovich 

One of the things most will come away with is Garland was being brutalized during this hearing. And he's being brutalized because he earned it!   As you watch these videos, you can't help but recognize the truth of that.

The second thing most will come away with is he's really good a logical fallacies, misdirection, and shifting the blame.   One thing Cruz, Hawley, Kennedy, and Cotton have been extremely good at is forcing them back to the point at hand, and forcing them to answer the question asked versus the answers they keep giving to questions that aren't asked, including why the DOJ has a dual standard of justice. 

Josh Hawley Torches Merrick Garland Over FBI’s ‘Unbelievable Show of Force’ Against Pro-Life By - Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) blasted Attorney General Merrick Garland over the FBI’s outrageous arrest of a Catholic pro-life father during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday. Mark Houck, an author and sidewalk counselor,  was found not guilty in January of federal charges alleging he violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.  The law makes it a federal crime to use physical force with the intent to injure, intimidate and interfere with anyone obtaining or providing abortion services.........  Mr. Attorney General, I’ll just say to you it’s a disgrace!”

Here's Senator Kennedy's questioning, and while he's far more quiet, far more polite and, and far less emotional, he's equally effective in exposing these witnesses corruption  as he sets verbal, logical and intellectual traps these liars can't help but fall into.

Senator Cotton and even Senator Grassley roasted Garland.  I wouldn't want to be him for any amount of money and I wonder why he just doesn't resign.  But he won't, and most likely, none of the nitwits Biden has appointed and have been exposed as either lazy, incompetent, or just downright stupid will resign Why, because as my grandfather used to shake his head and say: No Shame!

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