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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Cartoon Roundup: Pete Buttigeig is a Failure! Imagine That!

By Rich Kozlovich

You know, Buttigeig is being called on the carpet for all that's going wrong with grounded flights nationwide, and given his lack of attention to...wellllll...anything that has to do with his job, I think that's undestandable.  But I keep asking, what exactly is his job?  What exactly does the Secretary of Transportation do? Well, apparently not much and he's surrounded by people who also don't do much.  So....why do we have a Department of Transportation?  I have no idea!

But as for Buttigeig, he's demonstrated that as Transportation Secretary he's going to be just as unsuccessful as he was as the Mayor of South Bend, Indiana.  Let's face it: Buttigeig is an incompetent phony who actually did well in the last Democrat presidential primary. But hey, look who his competition was.   Bernie, Biden, Beto, and Kamala Harris, which makes it clear their bench is so shallow that if the Democrat party was a baseball team, they've be in the basement in the standings....oh, wait...that's right....that's where Joe was. 







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