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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, December 1, 2022

This Is How You Take Over a School System

"School boards pushed out three superintendents in November alone"

Powered by parent groups, takeovers of school boards are a rising trend. What’s interesting here is the coordination between a governor and school board members to create systemic change. The Left does this all the time. Everything is coordinated from the top down. Conservative school board members however are often on their own in supposed ‘red’ states.

This is just the beginning, but it’s an interesting model.

Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis put his weight behind dozens of conservative school board candidates across Florida during the midterms. Now they’re in office — and are purging some educational leaders who enforced Covid-19 mandates.

World’s smallest violin plays. Also can we stop calling school officials and assorted government officials, “leaders”? Presidents are leaders. A school superintendent isn’t.........To Read More

My Take - Daniel hits the nail on the head, and hit's it hard.  These superintendents style themselves as "leaders" and it's they who should decide what children will do and learn, irrespective of what the parents want.  

Well, they're finding out they're not leaders, they're hired help, and their bosses decided to remind them of that and are either fired them or going to fire them, and I hope this spreads, but Daniel asks a most pertinent question:  

The only question here is why did it take so long. And why do so few state Republican parties pursue a similar integrated model for taking over the school system?

Good question, don't you think.   Now we need an answer.  Make no mistake, fixing education in America is Job One. 

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