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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Has the Democrat party converted to Islam?

By Bert Peterson November 26, 2022

On October 21, U.S. reps. Ilhan Omar and Jan Schakowsky issued a press release introducing a bill titled the "Combating International Islamophobia Act."  According the release, the purpose of the bill is "to address the rise in incidents of Islamophobia worldwide." Specifically, it would require "the State Department to create a Special Envoy for monitoring and combating Islamophobia, [which would] include state-sponsored Islamophobic violence and impunity [sic] in the Department's annual human rights reports."

The bill was supported by the White House, which, notwithstanding its focus on Islam alone, described it as a measure committed to "defending freedom of religion and belief." On Dec, 14, 2021, the bill, H.R. 5665, passed in the House, 219 to 212.  No Democrat voted against it; no Republican voted for it. Portions of the bill at §3(k) describe its scope:..............

Secondly, in focusing on issues relating specifically to Islam and to no other religion, the bill is "respecting an establishment of religion," which, under the Amendment, is prohibited. One has to wonder if the 219 House members are aware that we have a Constitution, or whether it has a First Amendment?

In addition to constitutional issues is the one of national sovereignty.  Two hundred nineteen Democrats have voted for the U.S. to monitor "international Islamophobia."  But the U.S. is not an international institution; Islam is.  This is Islam's concern, not America's.  Or have the Democrats converted to Islam?.............To Read More.....

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