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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, June 7, 2021

The Time of Romney-Ryan Republicanism Is Over

Paul Ryan (I know, sorry for bringing him up) delivered a speech at the Reagan Presidential Library at the end of May in which he sought to reassert himself as a leader of the Republican Party.  His shtick was the same spit wash that Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, and George Bush have tried rubbing on the Republican electorate time and again since Biden's official installation.  We're better than this reality TV outsider who hijacked the party.  Boo to populism; yay to True Conservatism, Inc.!  This is serious, people; we're at a 'crossroads' here.................

After all these years, Paul Ryan and his "Washington Generals" cohorts are still so blinded by their hatred for Donald Trump that they'd prefer the double-team of Mao's Cultural Revolution and Stalin's dissident purge (Where did everyone go?  I don't know; they just "disappeared.") presently napalming freedom in America to taking a hard look at why Republican voters abandoned them in the first place.............  

While recognizing that Trump actually succeeded in expanding the party's appeal to a diverse electorate (a truth that most every other NeverTrump has buried while ignoring that President Trump won more votes in 2020 than any sitting president in history — and nearly ten million more than Obama won in re-election)............Is it any wonder after decades of being led by a bunch of mealy-mouthed Washington neoconservatives who go out of their way to demean regular, everyday Americans, Republican voters finally said enough?  ..........In reacting to Paul Ryan's speech, an online commenter going by the name Zendor summed it up with a clever portmanteau: "The only leadership shown by Rinosaur Ryan is leading other rinos to extinction." .....To Read More....


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