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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Vatican Website: "US Bishops Welcome Biden: ‘It’s Time for Unity’"

By Staff | November 9, 2020

Vatican News, a website which describes itself as “the new information system of the Holy See,” has posted a headline today that says: US Bishops welcome Biden: ‘It’s time for unity.’” “Archbishop Gomez congratulates the Democratic candidate: ‘We acknowledge that he joins the late President John F. Kennedy as the second United States president to profess the Catholic faith,” says the top paragraph on the page........To Read More....


Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, who currently serves as president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued a statement describing Joe Biden—who supports legalized abortion, taxpayer funding of abortion, same-sex marriage, and allowing biological males to play on girls’ sports teams and use girls’ locker rooms—as “the second United States president to profess the Catholic faith.”
“We thank God for the blessings of liberty. The American people have spoken in this election,” said Archbishop Gomez in his statement--which is posted on the website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

“Now is the time for our leaders to come together in a spirit of national unity and to commit themselves to dialogue and compromise for the common good,” said Gomez.

“As Catholics and Americans, our priorities and mission are clear,” said the archbishop. “We are here to follow Jesus Christ, to bear witness to His love in our lives, and to build His Kingdom on earth.

“I believe that at this moment in American history, Catholics have a special duty to be peacemakers, to promote fraternity and mutual trust, and to pray for a renewed spirit of true patriotism in our country,” said Gomez.

“Democracy requires that all of us conduct ourselves as people of virtue and self-discipline,” said Gomez.

“It requires that we respect the free expression of opinions and that we treat one another with charity and civility, even as we might disagree deeply in our debates on matters of law and public policy,” he said......More....

 My Take - The questions we should be asking is this:  When did these clerics become heretics? Since it's now clear they are heretics, why are they still priests?  How did they become part of the hierarchy? 

Here at least is one cleric with his head on right. 

Archbishop Chaput: BIden 'Should Not Receive Holy Communion'

By Michael W. Chapman | December 4, 2020 

Retired Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput stated in an article today that President-elect Joe Biden is "not in full communion with the Catholic Church," and because of his long history of supporting "grave moral evils," such as abortion, he "should not receive Holy Communion.  Archbishop Chaput stressed that Biden's "actions and words" have supported or "smoothed the way" for evils in our society that have "resulted in the destruction of millions of innocent lives." .......To Read More...

  1. Catholic Bishop: 'I Beg Mr. Biden to Repent of His Dissent From Catholic Teaching on Abortion & Marriage' 
  2. Bigot: Joe Biden Lackey Wanted to Destroy Amy Coney Barrett Because She's Catholic



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