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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Transgenders in military: Impeachable, damaging, and expensive

The mind reels at the logistical nightmare this will create for a military whose job is to protect us – not engage in radical and foolish social engineering.  President Obama and the Pentagon have violated the Constitution and committed an impeachable offense by unilaterally admitting transgenders, transvestites, and transexuals into the military.

According to Article I, Section 8, only Congress has authority to change the rules which govern the military. Congress has never authorized the induction of those who engage in these behaviors into the armed forces. For the commander-in-chief to make and implement a decision of this magnitude is an impeachable offense on any number of levels, not the least of which is the plain fact that it defies the Constitution and trashes the entire concept of the separation of powers.

This decision will have a negative impact on recruitment, retention, and readiness. A diminishing number of vigorous young males will be interested in joining this kind of military, or signing up for another stretch......Read more

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