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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Media is Now Trying to Label Donald Trump as a Nazi. Should We Be Surprised?

By S.P. Palermo

Reporters are like prospectors mining for gold, hoping for one, big scoop that will make them rich, that one moment in the sun which can sustain them for their entire career and establish them in the pantheon of investigative journalism, along such stalwarts as:

Woodward and Bernstein with their expose on the devious Nixon and his cover-up of Watergate,
Seymour Hersh with his Pulitzer winning telling of the horrific Massacre at My Lai, Matt Drudge’s unmasking of Hillary’s “rightwing conspiracy” with his news busting report of forty-nine year old President Bill converting twenty-two-year old Monica into a human humidor.

I’m not a reporter, but I’ve found my EUREKA! moment.......For the past six months, every news rag scribbler and TV pundit are turning contortionist, forcing less than dubious links in an attempt to connect Trump to Hitler and the rise of the Nazis.....To Read More.....

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