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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, July 18, 2016

Rep. Bob Gibbs Report

Representative Gibbs serves Ohio's Seventh Congressional District

The Obama Administration's Double Standard on Zika
Recently, the CDC and EPA recommended Puerto Rico begin using aerial pesticides to stop the spread of Zika, and I couldn't agree more. But it reveals a double standard when the Obama Administration is opposed to commonsense provisions in the House's efforts to stop Zika. Aerial spraying should be a last resort. The best way to combat Zika is to prevent it from proliferating, which can be done with the ground application of life-saving pesticides already approved by the EPA. We should be preventing a public health crisis rather than reacting to one. That's why I led several colleagues from the House and Senate to urge President Obama to drop his opposition to legislation that provides American states and municipalities with the same kind of tools he urges the territory of Puerto Rico to use. You can read more about more about it at

You can also read a copy of the letter I sent to the President here .

From The Press Shop: Gibbs Votes To Protect Religious Convictions
WASHINGTON, DC – The ability of health care professionals to refuse to participate in abortions got a boost today as the House of Representatives voted to pass the Conscience Protection Act. Recent evidence has shown the Obama Administration unwilling to enforce what is known as the Weldon Amendment, which prevents federal agencies or state and local governments receiving federal funds from discriminating against health care professionals or institutions from participating in an abortion.  The Conscience Protection Act sets this right to refusal into law and provides new options for medical professionals by allowing those to sue in court rather than relying on the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which has clearly failed to uphold the intentions of the Weldon Amendment. After voting in favor of the legislation, Congressman Bob Gibbs released the following statement:
“One of the many things that makes America a truly exceptional nation is our principle that no government agency should force anyone to violate their deeply-held beliefs. For many years, amendments to annual spending bills helped reinforce this by protecting those who refuse to participate in abortions. But with the Obama Administration’s increasing willingness to bend the rule of law to fit their agenda, it has become necessary to defend healthcare professionals against reprisal and intimidation if they choose to not assist with or conduct an abortion.  The House’s vote today gives those willing to exercise their beliefs the option of using the court system if their employment is in jeopardy, instead of being at the mercy of a government bureaucracy. It is critical that we not only protect the unborn, but protect those whose livelihoods may be at stake for providing that protection.” 

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