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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Left’s Assault on Patriotism and the Rise of American Socialism

By July 16, 2016

The brilliant conservative comedian/philosopher, Evan Sayet, recently hit the nail on the head while diagnosing one of our nation’s biggest problems – the death of patriotism and the rise of socialism.
From Evan Sayet’s Facebook Page:

In the wake of World War II, the world knew that nothing like National Socialism could be allowed to happen again. The Leftists took advantage of this fact, and convinced the world the problem was nationalism.  Europe dealt with this by creating a supranational government, the EU. America dealt with it by waging war against patriotism and dividing Americans based on race, sex, income and nation of their ancestry.  The problem is that the evil was never nationalism — nationalism isn’t evil, it’s morally neutral depending on the character of the nation one adores — the evil was always Socialism.

In fact, Nationalism was the only bulwark against the evils of Socialism. If the people of Great Britain hadn’t so loved their nation, they wouldn’t have had a reason to so fiercely stand up to the Socialists bombardments and win World War II. If Americans hadn’t so loved their country, they wouldn’t have had a reason, much less the fortitude, to stand up against the evils of Communism and win the Cold War.  The Leftist assault on patriotism has been so successful that, in America, simply to be called a “patriot” today is seen as a synonym for a terrorist. In fact, the word was one of the criteria used by the Obama administration in determining who to use the IRS to war against in their corrupt and evil campaign......To Read More....

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