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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, July 9, 2016

SHOCKING: MSNBC Excoriates Hillary’s Lawlessness and the Obama Administration’s Corruption [VIDEO]

By Onan Coca

Things must be bad if the folks at MSNBC are willing to tear into Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration the way they did on Wednesday. In a powerful segment on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, cohosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski took turns ripping Clinton, Obama, FBI Director James Comey, and Attorney General Loretta Lynch to shreds. Clinton was called a “liar,” Obama was called a meddler, Comey was called a “coward,” and it was implied that Lynch may be corrupt! It was an awesome display of righteous indignation and one that seems to be mysteriously lacking among other mainstream media news outlets.

Nicole Sullivan may have had the best line of the segment when she argued that if the bar had been set any lower it would have been underground!

Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani also appeared on MSNBC to express outrage at Comey’s decision not to pursue criminal charges against Clinton.....To Read More....

My Take - I'm even shocked. This reminds me of that President Johnson/Walter Cronkite moment when after watching Cronkite’s assessment of the Vietnam war Johnson is alleged to have said:
“If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost Middle America.” - or -
“If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost the country.” -or-
“If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost the American people.” -or-
“If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost the war.” -or-
“If we lose Cronkite, we lose America.”....the problem he didn't see the show as he was making a speech at a birthday party for Texas Governor John Connally and he may not have said any of those things at any time later. 

However - it's a great story, even if it's a mythical story.  But the case of Hillary - Let me say it for her.  If she's lost MSNBC, she's lost the election.  Say Goodnight Hillary!


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