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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, July 8, 2016

No Laughing Matter: Commit Hillary

By Noel S. Williams

It's not easy even for a clever schemer to veil her despicable cogitations, which are manifested in creepy cackles, hysterical outbursts, and ghastly barking......If the eyes are the window to the soul, then maybe laughter is the periscope of our submerged subconscious.  More than a simple response to jokes, laughter is almost always an involuntary (try laughing on command) response. Psychology researcher Robert Provine states that all laughter is unconscious: "[y]ou do not chose to laugh the way you chose to speak." Laughter reveals uncensored insights into our unconscious, and judging by her impulsive bouts of laughter, Hillary's unconscious is riddled with torment........ I also bet she has less sense of propriety than many being treated for mental illness.  Her moral compass is askew, and she exhibits the main traits of psychopathy in abundance: immorality, callousness, remorselessness, and cynicism........ As demonstrated by her inexplicable laughter and barking, she's also divorced from reality. She's gone completely mental. Hillary is more temperamentally suited for institutionalization than the White House. This is no laughing matter: commit Hillary........Read more

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