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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, July 8, 2016

Austria Throws Out Its Presidential Election and May Throw Out Jihadists, Too

By Michele Antaki

Europeans are revolting against their transnational elites, with Austria now throwing out its presidential election that cheated the nationalist candidate of victory. Friday last week took Austria through a roller-coaster of emotional news -- alarming, then exhilarating or depressing, depending on one’s perspective. It was first announced that Akhmed Chatayev, the Chechen Istanbul airport terror suspect, had been given asylum in Austria since 2003, then an Austrian passport that allowed him free travel within Europe and beyond. Yet, at the same time, he was on Russia's wanted list.

In multiple incidents that took place in various countries between 2003 and 2015, Chatayev was caught with explosives and ammunitions, or photos of victims killed in a blast. Astonishingly, he would either be acquitted, or released on ‘humanitarian’ grounds. Just once, he served a brief one-year jail sentence in a Swedish prison........ Mr Hofer, on the other hand, had campaigned on an unabashedly “Austria first” platform, calling for stronger border defense and tough controls on immigration  and asylum seekers. Only 20% of applicants were real refugees, he said -- others mere economic migrants lured by Austria’s generous welfare laws or jihadists.....Read more

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