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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, July 5, 2024

Polls Could Mislead

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition,   E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free.  RK

In the days before the 2016 presidential election, prior to insane early voting and voting by mail, almost every poll declared that Hillary Clinton would win the presidency. Many Hillary supporters didn’t bother to vote because they assumed she would win. Eight years later, the gals wearing pink vagina hats are still crying.

There is chatter that the polls will show Trump winning just to keep some people from “bothering” to vote. We must NOT assume anything in these post-scamdemic election times! Everyone must vote. If you live in a state where it’s legal to ballot harvest, please collect ballots and get them in early. If polls show Trump is ahead, you MUST still vote!

On the DEMOCRAT side, according to Wesleyan Media Project through late May, the Biden campaign had aired $13.6 million worth of ads. The Trump campaign has spent ZERO on TV ads. You can see how those millions of dollars in ads are helping Biden in the polls—NOT!

(Note: Outside Trump PACs have run ads, but the Trump campaign did not run any TV ads through this period.)

Since the Biden TV ads have done diddly-winks, they are now going with a new theme: ‘A convicted criminal who’s only out for himself.’ Yeah, that should do it. We can watch those commercials in between videos of Joe wandering off during the G7 summit, standing like a corpse during the White House Juneteenth celebration, being assisted off the stage by Barack Obama and incoherently mumbling through the debate.

In the meantime, we predict that the July 11 sentencing will result in an even larger contribution haul for Donald Trump than what the ridiculous (to be overturned) guilty verdict brought in. In the 10 days following the kangaroo trial guilty verdict, the Trump campaign raised $300 MILLION. For the month of May, more than $400 MILLION.

On the INDEPENDENT side, lawfare seems to be the only tool Marxist Democrats have at their disposal. They are so fearful that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will siphon votes from Joe “Dementia” Biden that they are going to court in several states and filing legal challenges to keep him off the ballot. They are claiming that Kennedy violated state laws that stipulate how independent candidates assemble the paperwork necessary to qualify for that state’s ballot.

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