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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, July 5, 2024

How to Become a Superior Person

Definition leads to clarity.  Clarity leads to understanding.  Understanding leads to wisdom.

By Rich Kozlovich

When All in the Family aired for nine seasons, from 1971 through 1979, it always started out with this song: 

Boy, the way Glenn Miller played songs that made the hit parade, guys like me we had it made, those were the days.  Didn't need no welfare state, ev'rybody pulled his weight gee our old LaSalle ran great.  Those were the days.

And you knew who you were then, girls were girls and men were men,  Mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again. People seemed to be content fifty dollars paid the rent freaks were in a circus tent. Those were the days.
 Take a little Sunday spin go to watch the Dodgers win Have yourself a dandy day that cost you under a fin. Hair was short and skirts were long Kate Smith really sold a song I don't know just what went wrong.  Those were the days.

While there's a degree of truth in this analysis regarding the quality of a movement based on the masses joining for one reason of another, but the fact is, those non-pure members were always there, and in every group, and right from the beginning, waiting in the wings to act in their own best interests.  As David Horowitz has said, ""Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out". 

And the destructive self interested have have always been there.  

In first century Christianity Jesus had Judas,  Ananias and Sapphira attempted to deceive the Apostles, and died, and while John was still alive there was the sect of Nicolas who he hated for whatever heresies they promoted.  No organization or system is immune to them.

Before the Revolution officially started in America, and while the intellectual elites were meeting in Philadelphia, the radicals were burning the homes of Tories, aka, loyal British citizens, and remember, everyone in America was a British citizen then.

The Boston Massacre was a riot of thugs, and it was propaganda that made it a "massacre" of poor honorable citizens. In reality the soldiers who fired had to do so to save their lives, and fled the scene to save themselves.

The Communists of Russia were morally and blatantly corrupt right from the git go, and while Lenin wasn't the monster Stalin was, he was more than happy to obliterate all opposition.  The geographical center for socialism was Germany (communism is a sect of socialism), so when the communists took over in Russia, all the communists left Germany to go to Russia to support the cause, and be a part of this new socialist paradise. They foolishly thought Lenin was going to let them be part of the power structure. They became a problem, so he killed them, because he knew in a communist system, one man must rule them all.  

The patterns of life repeat over and over again, and people all over and for all time, have been motivated by greed, self interest, lust, hate, envy, jealousy, and more often than not be willing to be violent to get what they want. There are no pure organizations filled with pure intellectual and moral elites devoid of base elements in any organization, no matter who the are or what the time line may be.

A Catholic priest once said, "If you find the perfect organization, join it. But remember, once you've joined, it's now become somewhat less than perfect".   And that imperfection contaminates every organization right from the start because people will always be people, it really is that simple.

And just think, if Joe had just stayed in his basement and didn't run for President, and they didn't corruptly "win" the election through voter fraud, and afterward misuse the justice system, and the power of the federal government to go after conservatives, especially an extremely wealthy popular ex-President, it's more than likely none of his corruption and criminal family activity would have come out.   And now the crap has hit the fan, and it's being spread over the entire Democrat party, especially their leaders.  

I have a recommended theme for a new Trump administration?  "Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war".   Fire huge numbers of FBI, CIA, NSA, and DOJ personnel, and find an Attorney General with a mad dog in the meat market mentality who will send many of these people to prison.

Want to become a superior person?  Avoid finding yourself in the ranks of the insane, and leftism is another word for insanity.   See, definition really does lead to clarity!


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