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Sunday, July 7, 2024

My Gazette: Immigration in America, Part III

By Rich Kozlovich

This will take you to all,

  1. If you Give a Denver Migrant a Cookie... By Brian C. Joondeph May 13, 2024 When my adult children were young, a favorite read-along book was called If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. It was a cute story with the premise...........
  2. Desperate for Workers but Dead Set Against Migrant Labor: The West Virginia Dilemma“West Virginians don’t want immigration — of any kind."
  3. Biden and the Democrats denigrate rational fears of unlimited immigration May 12, 2024 by Allan J. Feifer When Biden castigates Americans, Indians, and the Japanese as “xenophobes,” he trying to shame them into accepting the end of their cultures. More
  4. EU Countries Not Enforcing Migration Pact Could Face Legal Action, Says Johansson Euronews Hungary rejects the agreement.
  5. Illegals fly Florida May 4, 2024 by Mike McDaniel Virtually everything Biden’s handlers have done in relation to immigration is a violation of immigration law, national sovereignty and security.
  6. Home Office Blasted for Attempting to Re-Educate Staff on Britain’s Historic Migration Levels GB News Conservative government imposes woke indoctrination on employees
  7. What is Biden’s endgame in bringing in terrorists? May 5, 2024 by D. Parker How do the Democrats expect to survive a terrorist attack for which they are responsible politically? More
  8.   Sex Offender Allowed to Stay in UK – As More Than Half of Appeals Against Asylum Decisions Successful Sky News  The judge ruled the Afghan's public masturbation could jeopardize his life back home. 
  9. Multiculti Chaos Alex Gordon Multiculturalism does not work, and Europe's recent experience is instructive. ............
  10. Fox and the henhouse: Biden’s backward ‘refugee’ policy May 3, 2024 by Gerald McGlothlin Let’s import Palestinian terrorists! What could go wrong? 
  11. The Truth About Operation Wetback Ian Smith Operation Wetback offers plenty of guidance on how to deal with the current border invasion. More
  12.   Illegal Immigrants Ambush Michigan State Capitol to Demand Driver LicensesIllegal immigrants are continuously being handed down freebies, so it’s no wonder they feel entitled to the same things tax-paying Americans have. ............
  13. Elections in Yorkshire: The Muslim Empire strikes back hard at Ye Olde England May 4, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Forty-plus years ago, Yorkshire was quintessentially English. Today, the jihad gains power..........
  14.   Muslim migrants caught ‘red-handed’ burning down forests as an act of jihad May 8, 2024 by Olivia Murray Yet, not a peep from the progressive left............
  15. Democrat Massachusetts Gov. Approves $400 Million In Freebies for Illegal Immigrants- Despite residents fleeing Massachusetts, Democrat Gov. Maura Healey (D-MA) signed a bill welcoming hundreds more of illegal immigrants into her state.  Healey signed the state budget this week that includes an additional $426 million to house illegal aliens in correspondence to the state’s “right to shelter” law that requires the government to put illegal immigrants and homeless people into homes. ..........
  16. Joe Biden Hands Out Obamacare to Illegal Immigrants- The Biden Administration unveiled plans to give out Obamacare to tens of thousands of illegal immigrants who entered the United States as minors as part of the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program......
  17. America's immigration nightmare: The economic and social fallout - The long-term impact will be disastrous. 
  18. Mayorkas Finally Admits What We All Knew Spencer Brown - On February 4, 2021 — barely two weeks after Joe Biden’s inauguration and four days after Alejandro Mayorkas was confirmed as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security — Townhall reported from southern Arizona on the “emerging border crisis that has begun to take shape with President Joe Biden reversing key immigration policies set in place by former President Donald Trump.”
  19. EU Countries Not Enforcing Migration Pact Could Face Legal Action, Says Johansson - Hungary rejects the agreement..
  20. NYC Migrant Accused of Boat Joyriding Freed Without Bail, Then Tries AgainThe homeless migrant recently accused of taking an FDNY fireboat and another vessel for joyrides is apparently up to his old tricks again in New York City. The suspect, who is originally from Ecuador, got into trouble for allegedly swiping the historic FDNY boat, then later hopping onto a sailboat. Not long after officials released him without bail on Friday, he reportedly tried to board a much bigger ship in Manhattan, the New York Post reported on Friday, citing multiple sources...........
  21. Denver Mayor: ‘We Want to Be a Welcoming City’ for Migrants, That ‘Requires Shared Sacrifice’ - During a portion of an interview with CNBC that was recorded in February and aired on Thursday’s “Cities of Success,” Denver Mayor Mike Johnston responded to a question on if the city was too open to migrants and too generous by stating that “it’s a balance. We want to be a welcoming city” but doing that without federal help “requires shared sacrifice, it requires compromise. So, we are both making cuts to city budgets to meet this financial need, and we are making cuts to the amount of services we can provide to the migrants that arrive and to the number of folks that we can serve.”....
  22. Mayorkas Says Freeing Laken Riley’s Accused Killer into U.S. was Warranted - When Jose Antonio Ibarra of Venezuela first crossed the United States-Mexico border in September 2022 near El Paso, Texas, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had about 8,100 detention beds available. Instead of holding Ibarra in its available detention space, ICE released him into the U.S. interior...........
  23. Biden Lets Migrants Walk Away from Court Hearings, Deportations - President Joe Biden’s deputies are letting millions of migrants enter American society under the legal excuse that the courts will decide if the migrants are allowed to stay. But Biden’s deputies are doing nothing as the economic migrants ignore the legal and court procedures and walk away from the courts — and into Americans’ workplaces and neighborhoods.............
  24. 20 Illegals Broke in Texas Rancher’s Home, Raided Kitchen - Twenty illegal immigrants broke into a Texas rancher’s kitchen while he and wife were home and raided their kitchen, Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday, detailing the shocking consequences of President Joe Biden’s open border policies./...........
  25. MIGRANT CRIME ROUND-UP: Pedos, Rapists, and Killer Drug Traffickers. Donald Trump's warning that Joe Biden's border crisis is creating a "new category" of "migrant crime" continues to appear prophetic after a week peppered with incidents involving migrant rapists, pedophiles, and murderous drug traffickers – often abetted by the authorities. show more  
  26. Government Officials Say the Border Crisis Is ‘Absolutely Deliberate’ - The tsunami coming across borders in the United States and Europe represents an engineered invasion designed to undermine Christianity, the nation-state, and liberty. Top government officials shed light on this in interviews with Alex Newman, founder of The Liberty Sentinel and senior editor for The New American. ........
  27. Guess who is short of farm workers? - Let's file this one in the "you can't make this up" category.  Down Mexico way, they are running out of farm workers.  .......
  28. Tuberculosis, Measles Break Out in Chicago Migrant Shelters - In the city of Chicago, officials announced that there has been an outbreak of tuberculosis (TB) in several shelters currently housing illegal aliens. As Fox News reports, the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) released a statement confirming that TB had broken out in “a few different shelters” throughout the city. Although the statement did not disclose the total number of cases, officials nevertheless tried to downplay the threat by describing it as a “small number” of cases............
  29.  Truth and Consequences Posted on by John Hinderaker in Culture, Islam, October 7 atrocities, United Kingdom  This is from Britain’s Telegraph, but I think we would see similar numbers in other countries, and worse in some:  Only one in four British Muslims believe that Hamas committed murder and rape in Israel on Oct 7, a major report has found.The numbers are even worse for “educated” Muslims:.........
  30. California Spent Billions to Combat Homelessness, Only to Lose Track of the Money  California spent billions of dollars to combat its ongoing homelessness issue plaguing the Democrat-run state, only to lose track of where the funds went.  Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D-CA) administration lost track of whether $24 billion in taxpayer funds it spent in the last five years worked to fix the state’s homelessness problem. ...........
  31. Muslim women forced to remove their hijabs for mugshots score a $17.5 million win from NYC taxpayers  The Sharia colonization of the West continues............
  32. Sanctuary New York City Gives Illegal Aliens 30 Days to Get Out - New York City gave illegal immigrants thirty days of housing, but after that, they can’t request housing again. So thousands of people here illegally, dependent on the government, will be without a home. But how can this be? New York City is a sanctuary city, and everyone in the world is welcome to come.......... 
  33. When It Comes To Immigration, Misplaced Compassion Will Destroy America Vince Coyner Yes, we are a nation of immigrants but, if we wish to continue as a nation, we cannot allow sob stories to lead us to destroy our nationhood entirely.
  34. Denver Mayor Defunds Police in Order to Give Millions to City’s Migrants - Democratic Denver Mayor Mike Johnston confirmed last week that his city will allocate over $45 million from city agencies to programs for migrants. In the process, the city will cut over $8 million from its police department. FOX News reported that the $45.9 million is in addition to $44 million in spending already secured for the [migrant] program through previous budget moves.......
  35. Time is Running Out to Save Western Civilization David Prentice Rise up, speak, or lose your voice forever.
  36. GOP AGs Join Court Motion to Stop Biden Policy Flying 30,000 Migrants Per Month Into Country - Twenty-one Republican attorneys general filed a motion in federal district court Thursday seeking to stop a Biden administration parole policy allowing tens of thousands of migrants to enter the country each month. The coalition was led by Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and joined by America First Legal (AFL), a conservative legal group...............
  37. Ramadan Conquest: Nestlé's KitKat 'Iftar Bars' and Western Cultural Erosion - Nestle Iftar bars represent not a celebration of multiculturalism but rather a troubling trend of cultural appeasement and submission to Islam. The launch of Nestlé’s KitKat Iftar Bars in Canada for Ramadan is another example of Western corporations promoting the Islamization of nations for profit. This move, marketed as a gesture of “inclusivity” to a religion that does not extend inclusivity beyond Islam, is viewed as a calculated attempt to profit financially while undermining the cultural identity of the host nation. While regular KitKats typically feature two or four chocolate-covered wafer fingers, this Islamized version boasts 30 fingers — one for each day of the holy month...............
  38. New study: cultural enrichers from sub-Saharan Africa live in French social housing by a ‘hugely disproportionate degree’ April 5, 2024 by Olivia Murray Weird—the people with no money, no skills, and no desire to assimilate to the West, turn out to be a huge drain on the taxpayer.
  39. Just how much free stuff are illegals getting? Howie Carr investigates. -Most of us are aware that a system of perverse incentives is incentivizing foreigners to come to the U.S. without legal authorization.But is anyone aware of how much they're getting? Officials are sneaky about it, flying them in on the sly, sending in unbadged 'monitors' telling the public to not take pictures, and often ignoring requests for public records, thumbing their nose at the law. So Howie Carr, the writer and radio host, went the investigative reporter route since nobody in the mainstream media was doing it, and assembled the data he could locate. What he found was mind-boggling.........
  40.  NYC to Give Migrant Families Debit Cards for Food, Baby Supplies- New York City will give debit cards to migrant families for food and baby supplies. The first cards will be distributed to families on Monday, sparking fear that the new program could lead to fraud or abuse as well as speculation that the city will be prioritizing migrants over current citizens. As many 180,000 migrants have arrived in the city over the last two years with 65,000 now in shelters. Social Cleansing’: Paris Purging Migrants Ahead of Olympics........
  41. Social Cleansing’: Paris Purging Migrants Ahead of Olympics - Allegations of “social cleansing” have been made against organisers of the Paris Summer Olympic Games as homeless people, sex workers, and illegal migrants are being taken off the city’s streets and sent to regional France ahead of the event.Serge Grouard, the mayor of Orleans in central France, went public Monday with his complaints over the unannounced arrival of up to 500 homeless migrants in his town of 100,000 people, AFP reports.........
  42. Creeping amnesty: Biden hands 800,000 illegals an extra year and a half on their work permits April 5, 2024 by Monica Showalter They'll continue to take American jobs and the longer these permits are extended, the more likely they can claim to have grown "roots" here in the states, becoming undeportable.........
  43. Mexican Cartel Running Call Centers to Scam U.S. Citizens Out of Millions - One of Mexico’s most violent cartels is running a series of call centers that target U.S. citizens in order to scam them out of millions. The scam points to the ongoing diversification by criminal organizations, which have been moving into more traditional schemes, including racketeering and fraud. In at least one case, this scam is linked to the murder of a U.S. citizen from Arizona.
  44. Illegal Immigrants Given 7 Times More Taxpayer-Funded Benefits Than Military Families - It pays more to be an undocumented immigrant living illegally in the United States than it does to be a soldier who is serving the country. According to a new report, criminal illegal immigrants are given seven times more taxpayer-funded assistance than military families are. ......
  45.   Chinese illegal rams car through U.S. Marine base in California, ignoring orders to stop - Funny how open borders allowing in thousands of Chinese military-aged men into our country lead to this........
  46. Nicolás Maduro allegedly partnered with Venezuela’s most notorious gang to brutalize political dissidents abroad April 2, 2024 by Olivia Murray The line between leftist ideologues in government and members of officially-recognized criminal cartels is nonexistent.
  47.   Islamization of London: Pakistan's Flag Hoisted On Top of Westminster Abbey's Rooftop, Child Sexual Exploitation Celebrated - Ceremonies were conducted in various capitals worldwide to commemorate the 84th Pakistan Day, a significant national holiday in Pakistan. This day primarily honors the adoption of Pakistan’s first Constitution, marking the transition of the Dominion of Pakistan to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on March 23, 1956. This established Pakistan as the world’s first Islamic republic........ 
  48. Illegals now collecting more in welfare payments than disabled U.S. veterans -report April 4, 2024 by Monica Showalter What's wrong with this picture?
  49. Political Witch Hunt: Belgian Party Leader Sentenced to Prison for Memes Created  - “I am solely convicted because other people posted memes that the judge labeled “hatespeech” and then argued I should have done more to prevent others from sending memes.” – Dries Van Langenhove.  In a move that has sent shockwaves through Belgium’s political landscape, former Flemish Parliamentarian Dries Van Langenhove has been handed a contentious one-year prison sentence and a fine of $17,470 by the Ghent Criminal Court. The sentencing, widely viewed as a politically motivated maneuver, has reignited accusations of a systematic witchhunt orchestrated by the left-leaning establishment against conservative voices. Van Langenhove’s attorney said he would appeal the judgment, which automatically temporarily suspends his imprisonment. Additionally, he is banned from holding political office for ten years...........
  50. Belgium: 43% of Prisoners Are Foreigners - Georges-Louis Bouchez, the president of the Belgian political party Mouvement Réformateur (MR), was a guest on Martin Buxant’s show, RTL Matin. He demanded that all foreign prisoners held in Belgian prisons serve their sentences in their respective countries of origin. Bouchez believes in adopting a stricter stance towards drug users. However, how can we achieve this when there is significant prison overpopulation in Belgium? The president highlights the case of “non-Belgians,” stating, “It’s 40% of the inmates.” After verification, the general management of penitentiary establishments confirms that 43% of prisoners are foreigners..........
  51. Frankfurt (Germany): Foreigners Account for 100% of Sexual Harassers, 83.3% of Human Traffickers, 62% of Rapists, 54% of Murderers, 87.5% of Thieves. Foreigners are invading the underworld of Frankfurt! Shocking figures in the new criminal statistics of the Frankfurt police. In the most serious crimes, more than half of the suspects are foreigners without German passports. The rest are Germans with or without immigrant backgrounds. The head of the police, Stefan Müller (62 years old): “In conflicts, the fuse is short, and mutual respect is increasingly lost. People are ready very early on to engage in physical confrontation. The proportion of non-German suspects among identified suspects is as follows...........
  52. Swedish MP who previously fought for open borders does a ‘spectacular u-turn’ and argues for deportations for migrants devouring her homeland - “I have changed my mind on the matter,” said Louise Meijer, a Swedish Member of Parliament who was once a vocal supporter of open borders and mass arrivals—but as Thomas Brooke of Remix News writes, Meijer has undertaken a “spectacular u-turn” and is now calling for “strict immigration, deportations, and reparation” policies to combat the “fundamental” transformation of her beloved Sweden.Here’s this, from Brooke’s report:....
  53.  Special-needs children shoved aside for illegal kids Cities overwhelmed by influx of migrants - There are so many illegal immigrant children pouring into Manhattan schools that they might push school children with disabilities and special needs out of an academic building and into an “inadequate” site. he school, West Prep Academy, reportedly serves 170 students, mainly children with special needs. The school is being overrun by the enrollment at PS 145, which shares the same building as West Prep.............
  54.  Muslim prayer in the American public square - Muslim persecution of the Jews is not the end game. It always starts with the slander and defamation of Jews, but only ends when a Muslim majority is created in a targeted city. Obviously, that means that non-Muslims of other religions must be bullied and denigrated too.  Thus, a Muslim majority is achieved by the Muslims making life so uncomfortable for persons of other faiths, including Christians and Hindus, that they leave the area. This Muslim majority then morphs into a world within a world where Sharia Law governs, police dare not enter, and the area is termed a “no go zone,” such as those found in Menlo, Sweden, and parts of Dearborn, Michigan. In other words, non-Muslims do not enter -- it isn’t safe.  In September 2011, after putting up with Muslim prayer services on busy Paris streets, France effectuated a ban on these crowded open-air services because the practice had snarled traffic and kept passersby and shoppers from the affected streets. The deleterious economic effects were immense. That ban, however, did not cover similar sidewalk takeovers then occurring in Marseille..............
  55. Just one year after its creation, FEMA migrant program nearly doubles in cost July 9, 2024 by Olivia Murray And, politicians are now calling for a 725% increase for 2025. Beginning in 2023, cities around the U.S. began to receive funds from FEMA to alleviate the orchestrated, growing, and unaffordable financial burden on taxpayers in regards to the invasion of third world migrants coming for welfare—it’s called the “Shelter and Services Program” and it’s costing us an arm and a leg..............
  56.  An immigration debacle and America’s electionsJuly 9, 2024 by Robert Curry - It’s not a coincidence that the same man in charge of our immigration system is also a key player in the integrity of our elections.  I recently returned from a trip abroad.  I was glad to be home, but the reception awaiting me at the border dampened my enthusiasm. The security theatre I was put through was more elaborate and more absurd than ever, but that is probably only to be expected, given the nature of government work.  What was strange is that all but one of the federal agents with whom I dealt were obviously foreigners. ...........
  57. Global security expert foresees imminent 'disaster' thanks to Biden border policy By J.M. Phelps July 8, 2024 -  Global security expert foresees imminent 'disaster' thanks to Biden border policy.  Every day, prominent voices sound an ever-more-urgent alarm over the Biden administration's border policies and the multiple threats to the nation's security they are causing.  In late June, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas concerned about the poor vetting procedures of Afghans by the Biden administration....The number of people entering the U.S. illegally is concerning beyond explanation............ Almost none have been properly vetted..........

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