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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, July 12, 2024

Are We Now A Socialist Nation?

Unless the rigged trial in New York City is overturned quickly, the answer is yes, we are a radical socialist nation. Some other recent events make us wonder if the republic can be saved.

By Robin Itzler 

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition,   E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free.  RK

National Park Service

While most government agencies quickly got onboard with this year’s Pride insanity, the National Park Service (NPS) did not. Prior to “Mental Illness Month,” park service employees were notified on May 9 that they could NOT wear their uniform to public events where it would be construed that NPS was supporting the issue, position or political party. Ah, but that meant not wearing your uniform to pride events with all those mentally ill people! 

Since the Biden administration supports pride mental illness, Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland quickly got involved and overruled NPS Deputy Director Frank Lands’ reasonable announcement. 

If you work for a company where you must wear a uniform, would they allow you to wear your company uniform at controversial events? Okay, let’s get some uniformed NPS employees to NRA events, Trump rallies and anti-abortion protests. That seems as fair as their showing up to pride events. 

To share your thoughts with the National Park Service: Click here to email the National Park Service. Phone: 202-208-6843. Write: Office of Communications, 1849 C St NW, Washington DC 20240

Is The Tide Turning to Freedom?

With our prayers and involvement, we must have hope of saving our republic. Let’s look at some recent wins that show the tide might be turning in the direction of Conservative Judeo-Christian values. However, we need Republican LEADERSHIP, which seems to be in short supply.

Victory Against Biden's Title IX Transgender Regulation

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach won a preliminary injunction in connection to the Biden Administration’s ridiculous Title IX transgender regulations. We are living in insane times when government officials want to require public schools and universities to allow BIOLOGICAL MALES who identify as females to SHOWER with biological girls in school locker rooms and compete in girls’ sports. Let that digest for a few minutes …

Judge John Broomes ruled in favor of the state of Kansas and attorneys general from Alaska, Utah, and Wyoming as well as three private organizations, Moms for Liberty, Young America’s Foundation, and Female Athletes United. 

To share your appreciation with AG Kobach:  

Click here to email Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach.  Phone: 785-296-2215 Write: 120 SW 10th Avenue, 2nd Floor, Topeka, KS 66612


Rob Reiner:  As one of Hollywood’s stalwart fanatical Marxists, several months ago Rob Reiner released God & Country. According to the film’s website, the film:

Looks at the implications of Christian Nationalism and how it distorts not only the constitutional republic, but Christianity itself.

Oh, please! If Reiner wants to talk about distorting the constitutional republic, he should start with a bio about himself! The good news is that the movie BOMBED! According to Box Office MoJo, the film that opened in February has grossed just over $100,000.

Read: Governor Newsom's Unpopularity Might Have Something to do With His Extreme Mandates That Make Life Unaffordable by Ronald Stein, P.E.

Know Your Rights From Unlawful, Unconstitutional, or Non-Specific Search and Seizures. By Jim Horn

With our state and federal government agencies actually working against its people it is prudent to protect your rights and personal property from unlawful, unconstitutional or non-specific search and seizures. While always being respectful to law enforcement, it is best to protect your rights by making sure you have proper legal counsel when being confronted with a “knock on the door” by law enforcement or government agencies wishing to enter your house for searches.......There are numerous reasons why a consent to enter and search is NOT advisable: 

  • Damage to your furniture and belongings that could be substantial – good luck getting reimbursed 
  • Damage to your reputation if they find stuff that you don’t think is any of their business (may be lawful but embarrassing). 
  • Statements you might accidentally make that could incriminate you in court. 
  • Loss of cell phones and computers as part of a general search before getting a warrant.

These are just a few of the reasons you don’t want to allow a “consensual search” of your residence. I am NOT a lawyer and I’m not trying to give legal advice. Just trying to help my family and friends with information passed on to me.

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