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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

And the Truth Will Set You Free! Thank You Joe Biden!

By Rich Kozlovich


John F. Di Leo posted an article noting that "all of a sudden there's a crisis".  A crisis the Democrats and Bidenites never noticed before.  It was the debate that did it!  Now they're embarrassed because the world has seen just how incapacitated Biden is.  But he didn't really mean it, he was laying foundation.

After all, conservatives knew everything that was being exposed was the reality of Joe Biden for even before the 202o election.  He's well known as a mediocre not very bright, clueless political hack, and grifter. And they're just now embarrassed? Amazing!

He was laying foundation to show how much the debate exposed what the Democrat party was all about, along with the media and his enabling supporters.   They've not been embarrassed by all his other embarrassing performances of the past three and a half years.  Here are ten paraphrased points demonstrating their hypocrisy.

  1. Losing focus during public meetings honoring veterans or mourning military losses.
  2. wandering off in the middle of the event, leaving the honorees and attendees insulted.
  3. They weren’t embarrassed when he gave speeches, recounting the life stories of others as if they were his own, as a fabulist imagining histories that could easily be fact-checked and disproven in real time, again and again.
  4. They weren’t embarrassed when he sniffed the hair of a prime minister or literally bumped heads with a pope.
  5. They weren’t embarrassed when he had “bathroom malfunctions” on stage in the middle of speeches and meetings with foreign heads of state.
  6. They weren’t embarrassed when he spouted insulting gaffes to his own constituents, shouting such insults as “I don’t work for you!”, and “They should learn to code!” whenever his policies attacked a business, a profession, or a state.
  7. They weren’t embarrassed when he fell asleep in the middle of cabinet meetings, state events, even one-on-one press conferences with other world leaders.
  8. But most importantly, they weren’t embarrassed when mountains of undeniable evidence proved his criminality -- and the criminality of his family -- in a pay-for-play pattern that has been going on for decades.
  9. And they weren’t embarrassed when he appointed incompetents, criminals and freaks to be cabinet secretaries and department heads, ranging from an airport kleptomaniac in drag to a man wearing a plastic nursing chest prosthesis for imitation breastfeeding. 
  10. And they weren’t embarrassed when his policies caused record deficits, unprecedented inflation, a collapse in the American standard of living, a flood of illegal aliens, a lethal crime wave, and the destruction of our standing as a net exporter of energy.

Biden isn't just a failed President, he is now and has always been a failed human being.  He's failed his family, as well as his nation.  And now the Democrats are scared it's Biden who's going to cost them the power they so cravenly desire to continue destroying the nation.   That's what the debate revealed, they're the problem, Biden is the symptom.   

It also revealed what conservatives, and insiders already knew.  America is being run by aides, unelected functionaries.  That should have been obvious to the most casual observer simply based on the freaks, incompetents, and losers Biden was appointing to the federal judiciary, and other important positions.

Vince Coyner continues in that vein saying:

Every single American with a functioning brain already knew that Joe Biden was mentally unfit for the position he held. From the stumbling to the bumbling to the mumbling, it was crystal clear to anyone looking. Despite that, we’ve been told by everyone from the press secretary to members of Congress to the media and every Democrat who could get in front of a camera that Biden was not only capable but robust. That, of course, was a lie. We knew it was a lie, but they kept saying it, over and over as if their repeating it would make it real. They had to keep up the facade of Biden’s competency until it was no longer needed.

And Americans now realize they've been lied to?  Really?  And it took this to make everyone realize he really was elected via voter fraud, and the desperation will be so great this time they'll go so insane with voter fraud even the Supreme Court won't be able to over look the criminality of the Democrat vote stealing cabal, an illegal national conspiracy to once against steal the election.  

That's a RICO issue.    

There are no boundaries on the left.  There is no evil they won't embrace.  There is nothing too vile, too corrupt, or too criminal they won't use in order to stay in power.   "Trump is fearless and that puts him in even graver danger....... especially as his following and potential stable of voters grows larger. Bad people want him gone. I know he knows that.  So, Mr. President, watch your back. But watch your front as well. The sirens are everywhere."

Election 2024: It’s More About Ideology E. Jeffrey Ludwig.  We can see that this election is not mainly a conflict between two mature, intelligent leaders, but is more oriented toward an ideological conflict: Trump is the personification of capitalist success and dynamic entrepreneurship.  Biden and his Obamaphiles — with the inclusion of Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren and the Squad — are now taking a huge leap in favor of communist ideology and cultural Marxism......
According to Monica Showalter, "things are moving in the Godfather-like internal politics of the Democrat party. Like mafiosi.... Democrat power players have called in Joe Biden for a sitdown.............For those of us who have been wondering who pulls the puppet strings, now we have the answer -- Obama, and former chief of staff Ron Klain........he's being told by Obama to step down because disaster is going to be what he gets if he doesn't..........Jill Biden, happy to play the role of Mrs. Wilson, and fond of the perks and travel she gets as first lady, will fight back hard..........Wouldn't that be a pretty picture? Doesn't sound like a recipe for success for the Democrats as the walls come crashing down around them...."
The left keeps screaming that Republicans, white people, conservatives, Christians, Israel supporting Jews, and Donald Trump represent the greatest threat there ever was to "our" democracy.  Well, here's the greatest treat to America, Joe Biden.  Ask this:  Who knew he was so demented and when did they know it, and deliberately hid it from America?  

 "the White House staff, every member of the cabinet, the leadership of the Democrat party, including especially the Obamas and the Clintons, congressional leadership of both parties, the entire Washington press corps from all major media corporations." ....."most despicably, the entire Biden family"  
During this time he's interacted with "Putin, Xi, Khamenei, Zelenskyy, Netanyahu, and every world leader who has interacted with him on the world stage, or behind closed doors, allies and adversaries alike", and make no mistake, they knew his brain was a bowl of oatmeal.  And they must be rolling on the floor with laughter at what Biden has done to the greatest military the world has ever know. 
But according to the Democrat lackeys and myth makers, with support from America's Pravda like media, it's not Biden and his myrmidons who are a threat to America.  No, once again, it's Donald Trump, white people, church going Christians, Catholics who like the Latin Mass, conservative Jews who are America's greatest threat. 

Well, that's not playing well to American audiences any longer, except for Hollywood. Hollywood is firm as a bag of cement for Biden, and guess who they're blaming for his debate mess out now, here it comes......the CNN moderators!  Imagine that.  Did I say firm as a bag of cement?  I meant dumb as a bag of cement, Bette Midler is the perfect example of Hollywood's self delusion saying:
“[Biden] answered the questions, Trump never did. He feinted, he wove, he dodged, he lied.”   
I wonder if she takes stupid pills, or was she watching the same debate as everyone else?  Just a thought, but let's face it. Who really cares what she thinks....and I use the word think with caution.   Well, after Hollywood just raise over 25 million dollars for his election, and even though Obama had to lead him off the stage, they're have to remain firm.  Why?  To do otherwise would be admitting they're stupid.  And then there's Bill Clinton who says he supports Biden because he ‘given us 3 years of solid leadership’, and Obama who claims he will continue to support Biden because of the level of his moral character.  Imagine that. 

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