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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 4, 2024

2024 Election: The Democrat Conundrum

By Rich Kozlovich

After Joe Biden's disastrous showing at the debate, the number of articles claiming Joe Biden will be replaced at the Democrat Convention, or possibly earlier is legion.  Democrats say he has to go.  Most Republicans hope he doesn't go.   One Republican is calling on Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment, which I can only image gives the Democrats chills since the Democrat "leaders" aren't even mentioning her as a potential replacement candidate, and from what I can tell, she's ticked off over that.  Schadenfreude!

Are the Rumors True? Could Gavin Newsom Replace Joe Biden? 
Is the Biden Family Going to Have *That* Talk With Joe Today?
Axios: WH Aides Says Biden Can Only Function Within a Six-Hour Window
The Media's Campaign Against Joe Biden Just Got More Intense
Why haven’t they already replaced Biden?

The authors at Liberty Nation News call all of this the Amen Chorus, and it's getting louder and they go on to list the Democrat myrmidons calling for his departure, even Biden's staff claims he's "dependably engaged" for only six hours a day.  Given their mythical claims about his mental acuity in the past, six hours a day may in reality be six hours a week. 

  • The New York Times claims the greatest public service Biden can perform to end his run for re-election.  
  • Maureen Dowd says “He’s being selfish......[and]. His hubris is infuriating. He says he’s doing this for us, but he’s really doing it for himself.
  • Michelle Goldberg stated, “I think Biden has to get out.
  • Washington Post Editorial Board notes Biden can't be force to quit but recognize America doubts he's up to the job.
  • David Ignatius is saying,  “Biden’s closest counselors...... have an obligation to be honest with him now. If he has the strength and wisdom to step aside, the Democrats will have two months to choose another candidate. It will be a wide-open and noisy race, but that will be invigorating for the country. It’s never too late to do the right thing.”
  • Thomas L. Friedman stated, “I watched the Biden-Trump debate alone in a Lisbon hotel room, and it made me weep. I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime, precisely because of what it revealed: Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election.  (My Take - Is it any wonder why real economists think this guy is a delusional nitwit. RK)
  • Paul Krugman says, “Given where we are, I must very reluctantly join the chorus asking Biden to voluntarily step aside, with emphasis on the ‘voluntary’ aspect.
  • Nicholas Kristoff, "Mr. President, one way you can serve your country in 2024 is by announcing your retirement and calling on delegates to replace you....

Amazing isn't it.  The way these nitwits were telling the world, at least up until after Thursday's debate, Joe Biden was a man of great integrity, sharp as a tack, clear headed, intelligent, wise, putting wonderful polices in place, and giving the nation some of the best leadership America has had since George Washington was elected 235 years ago.   

And they knew they were lying, and this cartoon is a very real "then and now" scenario. 

Not one person could have been around him from the beginning of the 2020 race without knowing his brain was turning into mush, and as time went by the deterioration became so critical calling his brain mush was in insult to mush.  No sane person could avoid seeing that and believe otherwise.  And who did they pick to be his VP?  A bigger nitwit that Biden.  They chose her out of convenience as their DEI candidate.  The fact is, they had little to work with, and now they have nothing to work with.

But all this bloviating about dumping Biden means nothing.  There are laws in place that makes it impossible....well...sort of... and I'll tell you what, we'll come back to that.   

The Liberty Nation News article goes on to quote former Congressman Jason Chaffetz, a Utah Republican saying:

“But this whole idea and this whole notion that maybe they should get a different candidate.......You can’t just go to your convention and say, well, it’s not going to be Joe Biden. We want it to be Gavin or Gretchen or somebody else.....“They can’t switch out names on ballots. No, it depends on the states. Elections are not run by the party. They’re not run by the federal government. They’re administered by states. Each state has state law. Once you go through the primary, once you go through the caucus, you have to follow that law.”

Okay, what's all that mean?  J.R. Dunn posted an article that explains it very nicely of why replacing Biden is legally problematic for the Democrats, and Dunn shows why it's already too late to replace him.....sort of... maybe.

It appears states have laws that have deadlines in place that prevents replacing who is on the ballot in their state, and Nevada's deadline has passed, and in Wisconsin it's after their primary, South Carolina "forbids a withdrawal for political reasons, in Texas it's 74 days before the election, and Georgia 60 days before the election.  

Both Wisconsin and Nevada are necessary for a potential Dem victory. So this pretty much kills any daydream that Biden can simply be switched out and a new candidate slipped in before anybody notices.

The author notes those laws can be repealed, just like Ohio's RINO governor Mike DeWine did for Biden, but that would make his replacement a cheat and a pawn from the start, although cheating hardly impacts Democrat consciences since that's how they elected Biden in he first place and they're planning and orchestrating such a massive level of voter fraud for 2024 it will make 2020 seem pure. 

Furthermore, DNC rules state once the delegates are committed, they're owned by the candidate.  '"As Major Garrett states: “Biden has the delegates… and there’s not much anybody can do about it.”

 So, can they switch candidates?  Can Biden end his campaign voluntarily?  Yes, but as it stands right now, they will automatically lose states because that candidate won't be on the ballot.  

As it stands right now they know they can't win with Biden, and they can't win without Biden.  

The question I have is why is it journalists understand the intricacies of the electoral processes but the political element seems to be totally unaware?  They most likely do understand how it works, but just don't care.   They operate under the principle the rules don't apply to them, and voter fraud will carry the day.   Can they replace Biden?  Yes, but it would create problems even voter fraud might not be able overcome. 

Here's Nancy Pelosi's answer to all of this.  Joe's fine.  It's not Joe who has age related neurological problems, it's Trump who has dementia, and he lies.  Remarkable! The rest of the world doesn't see it that way, I wonder why?

But their will be no boundaries to the left in order to defeat Trump, because the real issue that concerns all on these leftist criminals is that .  And they would be just the tip of the iceberg.  There's a massive RICO investigation in the background just waiting for Trump to make it happen. 

I wrote this last weekend, and so much more has gone on since then I've added updates, but as of right now we're seeing a lot of implosion in the Biden cabal, and an awful lot about Kamala taking over, which has gotta be a bit creepy, and how weird is this, Harris is the favorite Democrat candidate in betting markets.  Why?  It appears the 250 million dollar election fund was for Biden and Harris, and that money isn't transferable to other candidates.   Imagine that.

But Joe says he's staying .... and I find this fascinating ...... Democrat governors ignoring their duties and responsibilities decided to "'stand with” President Joe Biden at the White House at a Democratic governors’ meeting".  Newsom, Pritzker, Beshear, Whitmer,  and there were others who attended virtually.  

Standing with the Captain of the Titanic ...Wow!  Ya just gotta be impressed with that.  Don't you think?

At any rate, We'll see!

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