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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Debate: Joe Biden and Donald Trump Think back to every president since World War II.

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition,   E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free.  RK


Would ANY have had to take one full week off from his presidential duties to prep for a 90-minute debate? A debate where he would be promoting his administration’s successes? Would ANY of these presidents have required that a stage be built that duplicated the real one?

The June 27 debate proved for all the world to see (and what we have known even before he was installed in the White House), that Joe Biden’s mental acuity is disappearing faster than illegal aliens at the southern border. Reasons we suspect for Joey’s one-week of preparation included:

  • Rest, rest and more rest. (Obviously, Joey needed more rest.)
  • Realizing he was over drugged for the state of the union, handlers were determining the right formula of performance-enhancing drugs needed for the 90-minute debate. (Obviously, they didn’t give Joey enough.)
  • People with dementia are comfortable in familiar surroundings. Hence, the reason a duplicate stage was built at Camp David. (Our tax dollars at work!)
  • Practiced having Biden STAND for 90 straight minutes. (Success!) 

During those same seven days, Donald Trump held rallies, spoke at conferences, gave interviews, and walked into eateries to meet with Americans.

By now, you’ve read and heard everything on the debate, so here are just a few thoughts: 

  • If Biden really had a cold, it would have been stated before the debate. Then Biden would have opened with, “Excuse my voice, but I am getting over a cold.” Saying he had a cold after the debate was BS excuse that no one is buying.
  • Among the Biden campaign’s many conditions, they insisted on a split screen throughout the debate. Surely they expected Trump to make faces, mock Biden, and talk over Biden. However, it was the split screen that destroyed Biden showing the world a feeble, old, demented man.
  •  Joe Biden believes he is doing a fantastic job. Jill Biden, oops, DOCTOR Jill Biden loves being First Lady (and maybe SHE is making decisions in the Oval Office). They are not stepping down.
  • Joey spent a week preparing for those awful 90 minutes. Trump spent most of that week giving speeches throughout the country, holding rallies, being interviewed and meeting with Americans.
  • If Democrats are so confident that their cheating will give them victory, why are many calling for an open convention to select another candidate?
  • Was President Trump “too good” during the debate? Trump’s best chance for a landslide victory is against Joe Biden. 

This could be why Democrats are now calling for Biden to step down.  

What can you do for an America First/Republican victory?

There are many ways everyone can “do something” to bring an America First victory in November. Each week, we will share some EASY ways that you and your like-minded friends can be involved. Let’s all do something!

If you have a Republican running for Congress, volunteer to make calls OR write postcards OR go door knocking. Ditto for state and local candidates. Some offices are considered non-partisan, but let’s be honest. 

Today, everything is partisan! Find out if your local candidates share your politics and volunteer in their campaigns. 

Gather together Trump supporters and hold a local rally. Even if it’s just 20 people, it sends a message to the community. Be sure to have signs for LOCAL Republicans (House representative, state offices, city council and school boards) and register people to vote. 

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