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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, March 10, 2023

The Left Will Never Give up the Con

By Rich Kozlovich 

It's been said a picture is worth a thousand words. If that's so, and it is, what's a video worth? 

I loved these crime documentary shows where they show the video of someone committing a crime and then watch the criminal insist that isn't them in the video.  It's their twin, or a cousin, or the police altered the video, but it definitely wasn't them, and worse yet, their public defender is working for the police not them. 

Then there are those videos showing someone stealing a police rigged car where they can shut it down remotely.   Then when the thief is confronted he insists the car belongs to his cousin. Even after the police tell him the car belongs to them, he still insisted it was his cousin's car, and stated with great conviction. 

Why do they do that? 

They do it because it's the first rule of crime. Never give up the con. And that's what we're seeing right now with Chuck Schumer and the entire left wing lunatics in Congress, Hollywood, and the media refusing to give up the con. 

Let's start with Tucker Carlson releasing the January 6th tapes.  




And of course there are those who instead of being concerned as to the evidence of their own eyes, it's Tucker Carlson's fault and they hate him.


Okay, let's move on to that brilliant scientist, Fauci, who claimed he could answer any questions over what he's done and why.  And he did, one hundred and seventy four times, and his answer was, "I don't recall."  



For those who've never read P&D, I've maintained



If there ever was a criminal scam more insane than  ?  It's cost billions and produced nothing.  Alternative energy is a farce, all predicated on the blatantly false claims of anthropogenic climate change, AKA, and needs to be abandoned by the government.  If alternative energy was viable, it wouldn't need government subsidies and hand outs, all of which has gone broke, leaving the taxpayers with the bill.   

But like all criminal enterprises, both Democrats and Republicans refuse to give up the con. What's worse, the federal government is going to force investment companies to embrace the con costing their investors tons of money, and if they're retired living on their investments, that's a problem.  But it won't be the problem for these leftist misfits promoting alternative energy and ESG investments.   Once they've gotten their take, they'll move on the the next leftist criminal narrative, via force of government.

And can there be anything more outrageous than rejecting Lori Lightfoot as Mayor Chicago?  Clearly a symptom of systemic racism.  Oh sure, crime was out of control, she was clearly incompetent and the city was falling apart with the leadership, but competence is racist.  Just like math.  We know all things great and small are racist.  




Then there's China. What could possibly go wrong?  America has a bubble head in charge, who wants to transfer America's national sovereignty over to the UN, the border is wide open and Lebron James, who's outraged at systemic racism has no problem ignoring all the atrocities China is committing right now because it's profitable to ignore reality and blather out and embrace insanity. Including using performance enhancing drugs.  A  charge that's clearly racist....don't you think? 




And finally, the end of Conspiracy Theories.  They all turned out to be true, but no matter how much information out there, the left will never give up on the con.




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