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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Has Diversity, Equity and Diversity Become Alternative Words For Insanity?

By Rich Kozlovich

On  Jan 23, 2023 I posted this picture as my Thought For the Day, and in the last six months it's been hit over and over again and has now become the third largest post hit in the last 12 months.  

That was unexpected, as I'd never heard of Sir Roger Scruton, I just thought it was such a great line and fundamentally rational statement, and yet amusing, so while chuckling, I posted it.  

As it turns out, he was well known in academic circles and an interesting and courageous man.  I always admire those who have the courage and intelligence to be the rock in the current, standing against the world saying, you're all wrong and I'm going to tell you why.

It appears to me he started out as a bit of a leftist and then realized, after watching them riot in Paris, they're nuts, saying: 

I suddenly realised I was on the other side. What I saw was an unruly mob of self-indulgent middle-class hooligans. When I asked my friends what they wanted, what were they trying to achieve, all I got back was this ludicrous Marxist gobbledegook. I was disgusted by it, and thought there must be a way back to the defence of western civilization against these things. That's when I became a conservative. I knew I wanted to conserve things rather than pull them down.

He was a conservative academic, who took public stands which cost him. He was the editor of "The Salisbury Review [which] effectively ended his academic career in the United Kingdom", because he felt it was important to take a strong stand for truth.  He stated: 

" was worth sacrificing your chances of becoming a fellow of the British Academy, a vice-chancellor or an emeritus professor for the sheer relief of uttering the truth."..........In 2002 he described the effect of the editorship on his life: It cost me many thousand hours of unpaid labour, a hideous character assassination in Private Eye, three lawsuits, two interrogations, one expulsion, the loss of a university career in Britain, unendingly contemptuous reviews, Tory suspicion, and the hatred of decent liberals everywhere. 

And it was worth it.

Now that's what I call being the rock in the current.

America is as an academic sewer of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.  That all may sound great, but when you look under that rock you find it's not only a lie, it's an absolutely failed philosophy illegally being imposed on the nation. In this article, Dumbing down America with DEI, By M.B. Mathews he states:

DEI advocates are dumbing down the American culture with DEI policies. Unfortunately, many non-POC (people of color) are signing on to these devastating policies rather than be canceled by the DEI stasi. As noted by author Nancy Andersen, DEI, by its own literature, finds “individualism, perfectionism, a sense of urgency, and objectivity as representative of ‘white supremacy culture.’” It forgoes merit for color-balancing. What DEI does, in essence, is dumb down the entire culture by pushing the mistaken belief that America is systemically racist and hopelessly White. What the DEI activists and supporters are doing is a travesty of honesty and accomplishment because it tells people who are not qualified that they are. That doesn’t help them. It hurts them.........DEI is poisonous because it advocates abandoning  a “sense of urgency”.........Diversity kills the intellect just as surely as arsenic kills the body.

For those who've been aware of who and what the left really is, and how it keeps changing itself into an angel of light understand that equity, and equality are two different animals entirely. There is No equality under equity.  If Biden or another Obamaite continue in the Presidency we will see a total abandonment of equality in favor of equity and it will be imposed by every force that can be mustered by the agencies of the federal government.  We'll see the worst forms of "ruthless totalitarianism" and "racial division" possible.  

In fact, an important tenet of DEI is Critical Race Theory (CRT):

CRT makes race the prism through which its proponents analyze all aspects of American life.  CRT reimagines the U.S. as a nation split by groups, each with specific claims on victimization.  CRT's intolerance can be found in schools, the workplace, and the entertainment sector, 'normalizing' belief in systemic racism for the average American."

These Diversity demands are nothing short of a "metastasizing canker and a source of corruption and debasement that is eroding our country."  This infection isn't only here in the United States, this is a worldwide effort to destroy Western culture via claims of systemic racism, and in England, Cambridge University attempted to blocked any 'white from apply for post-graduate programs to help underrepresented groups. 
The push back forced them to change it from a blatantly racist anti-white hate push to claiming the program would now be “open to a wider group defined by socio-economic factors instead, including white working-class.”  But they've exposed who and what they are, because here's the rub.  Whites are already underrepresented at Cambridge. 

The last thing I want doing work for me is someone who get their job not based on performance, but based on some Woke criteria, like doctors.  
Doctors take an oath to "do no harm" and we know they abandoned that idea long ago.  These outrageous pandemic mandates for masks, social distancing, isolation,  and most importantly, the mandated vaccinations and even vaccination passports, has exposed them as spineless and corrupt.  And now America's medical schools are forcing their students to "swear allegiance to racial dogmas".  From top to bottom, DEI permeates every department and every decision made in most of America's institutions.  
This, according to Michael Bertolone has been turning America into a no whites allowed, exclusive diversity fellowship club, including:
The author goes on to say:
In other words, straight, White, non-disabled males need not apply, which is a blatant violation of Title VII, which expressly prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Title VII applies to employers with 15 or more employees. One would assume that the leading organization representing the legal community in the U.S. would know this and steer clear of any impropriety in the programs it offers.

Wokeness is the "Age of Introspective Contrition [and] will depend upon the willingness of the populace to absorb and accept the degree of introspection and contrition it demands.  It will eventually collapse under the weight of its imposed guilt burden." 

It's time to just say 'no!' to the guilt trip, to do otherwise is accept and embrace insanity. So, has Diversity, Equity and Diversity become alternative words for insanity?

Yes, emphatically, Yes!

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