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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Ukraine Isn't Our Fault, Nor is it Our Responsibility!

By Rich Kozlovich 

 Yesterday, in American Thinker Jacob Fraden published this piece, Ukraine and the Unlearned Lesson of History saying: 

In the words of Karl Marx, the theorist of communism, history reveals itself “the first as tragedy, then as farce”. Another 19th century philosopher Hegel said that “The only thing that we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history”.  It seems that today we are witnessing another confirmation of these profound thoughts.

 He goes on to cite some good history, which I applaud, but he ends with some really bad conclusions. 

We entered WWII for two reasons.   America was attacked, and then because Germany declared war on the United States, we entered the European conflict.  Would war with Germany and Japan have been inevitable?  Probably, possibly, maybe, and then again, maybe not.  

Decisions made then can't be totally challenged with hind sight knowledge now, that's grossly unfair.  What we did know then was both Germany and Japan had huge imperialistic ambitions.  But did we know whether of not they have the economic wherewithal to advance them?  Maybe, and maybe not.   

Both were central planners, and both had fake economies, which is why Hitler had to push up his plans to attack Poland.  I don't think that was clearly understood then, especially since we were still in the midst of the Great Depression, much of which FDR and the Democrats were responsible.   FDR was praising both Hitler and Mussolini over their economic central planning schemes, which is what Roosevelt's communist collaborators, possibly even handlers, which had infested every one of the agencies he created, were wanting to impose on America.  

Russia today has small imperialistic ambitions, a fake economy, serious demographic issues, which his loss of 100,000 young men has seriously exacerbated. Russia has seven defensive gaps and only enough manpower to defend three of them, and that was ten years ago.  Contrary to apologists who claimed he attacked because he was worried about Russia's depth of defense, that’s nonsense.  Since the end of WWII Russia has never been more secure in its history, and with less land mass control. 

Russia is a “hordesland” nation, and in times past this depth of defense mentality was understandable, and was the trigger for all their expansionist activities all those hundreds of years.  While It’s true that’s foundational to their social paradigms in Russia, this invasion was nothing short of an aggressive effort at revanche, period! But in no way was Putin going to be able to move much beyond this.   

This is a European problem.  They created it, they allowed it.  It was Europe's incredibly stupid and insane "green" policies that gave Putin the finances to fund this war, because Europe now had to buy a lot of natural gas from Russia.  Europe's "leaders" caused all of this, and they need to fix it or not. 

America has been spilling hundreds of gallons of American blood and spending billions of American dollars defending Europe for over 100 years, and it’s time we stopped.  There absolutely was no need for America to enter WWI, which because of European arrogance and stupidity with the Versailles Treaty, they laid the ground work for Hitler and WWII.  

If we had stayed home and stayed out of it, Europe would have collapsed economically, politically and socially and we would have become the greatest economic power the world had ever seen.  We had no skin in that game.  The sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman note were provocative, neither justified entering that blood bath.

If your a moral person you must feel compassion for what the Ukrainian people are suffering, and I would have no problem with providing food and medical aid for them, all of which America would have to control to prevent corruption.  But, if you're a a rational person you much conclude in no way are we to blame for any of this, nor are we responsible to fix it.   

What happens when this is all over?  Who’s going to be responsible for rebuilding Ukraine?  Germany, the EU, France, England, Russia, or will the world decide it’s America’s responsibility to rebuild this stunningly corrupt and tyrannical government and nation? 

So, tell me.  Just how does any of this benefit America? 

1 comment:

  1. Agree. US should pull out of NATO and bring all US troops, ships and planes home. WHY should we be involved in Europe or Ukraine. So silly.
