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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, February 23, 2023

39 States Mandated Masks. Now a New Study Shows Masks Don’t Work.

 Katrina Trinko / /

So, the science wasn’t settled.  A new Cochrane Review analysis of masking studies finds that when it comes to an entire population, there’s no evidence to support that masking reduces spread of a disease.    Or as the lead author of the analysis, Tom Jefferson, put it in an interview with journalist Maryanne DeMasi, “There’s still no evidence that masks are effective during a pandemic.” 

Great. Glad we—and so many of America’s kids—had to put up with masking for so long. 

And this isn’t some fly-by-night study, as even journalists from liberal outlets acknowledge. “Cochrane Reviews are widely considered the gold standard of evidence-based medicine,” wrote Slate’s Liz Highleyman.   “The paper—a rigorous assessment of 78 studies—was published by Cochrane, an independent policy institution that has become well known for its reviews,” acknowledged The Atlantic’s Yasmin Tayag. ........To Read More....

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  • Nurse Whose Been Masking and Jabbed Multiple Times Devastated by Recent COVID Test - COVID is over, but registered nurse Monica McLemore, who has her pronouns in her bio on Twitter, is devastated because she contracted the virus. She’s been jabbed multiple times and still wears a mask—so she’s also mentally ill. She protected her tweets for some time, but screenshots last forever. McLemore was “heartbroken” and “sad” over the diagnosis. Her reaction was not nearly as bad as a girl who recorded her rapid test and broke down emotionally when the result was positive last January. McLemore’s response was more of a mini meltdown. Still, the masking and the multiple shots are eye-roll-worthy...

My Take - Remarkable!  It turns out the bug man was right again.  You may wish to review my Masks File, my Mandates File, and my

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