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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Liz is Protecting the Family Business

 "There is only one possible conclusion regarding the reliability of climate predictions. Outspoken catastrophic-minded climate scientists and high-ranking officials don’t have a clue about future climate and its consequences, and are inventing catastrophic predictions for their own interest. Government policies should not be based on their future predictions.  Another conclusion is that studies and opinions about future climate are heavily biased towards negative outcomes that fail to materialize, while ignoring positive outcomes that are materializing."

By Rich Kozlovich

On November 2, 2021, the New York Sun ran this piece, Elizabeth Makes a Royal Blunder, saying: 

Queen Elizabeth II made a mistake, by our lights, in abandoning her royal impartiality and plunging into the political fray at the Glasgow summit on climate change. She’s effectively thrown herself — and her crown — in on the side of the Green New Deal. And of all those who will be addressing changes in the weather by tapping taxpayers at home and abroad, a money grab that will eventually boomerang on the politicians.

I hate to rag on Queen Elizabeth II because her dedication to her duty has been remarkable, and absolutely admirable.  But now the curtain is slipping.  Now we know her husband, her son and her grandson didn't come to their positions in a vacuum.  Do they really believe all this clabber about Climate Change? They're at the center of the information universe, how can they possibly believe these fallacious claims, which have been shown to be fraudulent, and predictions of doom that have failed to materialize over and over again. The fact of the matter is she's doing what the monarchs of England have been doing for many decades.  

Protecting the family business?

Just as her grandfather George V did when he refused asylum to his cousin Czar Nicholas II and his family after the Russian Revolution.  A cousin he knew very well and was very close to, because he was afraid it might reflect of the fact the "Windsor" family was actually German in origin. 

In 1917 George V changed their name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor to avoid that link to Germany during WWI.  He feared bringing the Czar's family to England would bring that to the fore and impact his monarchy negatively.  

He was protecting the family business.  

That moral dereliction, and abject cowardice, resulted in the murder of the Czar and every member of his family, including the children, along with their devoted servants.  This haunted him for the rest of his life and should have!  Why would he do such a thing?  

He was protecting the family business!  

I believe that's why Liz is doing what she's doing is because she foolishly thinks that's where the trend is for those in power who wish to stay in power.  It's clear to me they know they serve no useful function in British society or world politics.  They're actors performing in a very public play that scripted and meaningless.  All show, all emotion, and all baloney.

But they're privileged, tremendously wealthy, unendingly catered to, and no matter how much some complain about the unbelievable intrusion into their lives by the media and people in general,  they really don't want to give it up.  

But the question is will the British Monarchy last after Elizabeth II?  Charles isn't popular, his views make it clear he's as dumb as dirt, and it appears William's no smarter than his father, who thinks talking to plants is sane and his grandfather, Elizabeth's husband Prince Phillip, thought it would be a good thing to be reincarnated as a virus and wipe out much of humanity.  What they want us to do would put mankind back into the most primitive conditions imaginable.  

Then there's loony Prince Charlie, who, if the monarchy lasts, will be the head of the Church of England, and wants England to think favorably about Mohammed and Islam at Christmas time.  In July of 2009 he predicted we only have 96 months to save world from burning up.  Funny thing that.  I must have missed the flames in 2016.  In 2019 Charlie gave the world only 18 months before the human race would go extinct. Not reduced mind you, extinct, and that was 24 months ago. I must have missed that also.  I wonder what the odds on a bet would be in Las Vegas that his prediction was going to fail?  

He has warned everyone over and over again that we've reached a critical tipping point regarding global warming, and in order to save the planet we must adopt a program that would seriously reduce mankind’s carbon emissions. 

He then promptly jets off to spew the same nonsense elsewhere. That "critical tipping point" time has passed, and he keeps flying, and others as loony as he, take up the same cry.  But the great leveler of truth is history and reality, and they show science has been corrupted by a pseudo-pagan green ideology. 

 "Demagogue: One who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots." -- H.L. Mencken

Truth and consistency of thought is a serious problem for these people.  However, there is one consistency the left/green movement embrace, categorized as articles of faith to a neo-pseudo-pagan secular religion: Environmentalism, a sect of leftism! No amount of valid science, history or reality can disabuse them of their positions. The fact of the matter is the only people who were sold on this stuff are those with an agenda and the ignorant. 

Being ignorant is a legitimate excuse because it means that we simply don't know.  We are all ignorant about an unending number of things. Being unwilling to find out is what makes people stupid. As for those with an agenda - they aren't ignorant, they're corrupt! They have screamed in rage about everything that makes living in an advanced society possible. They claim that modern living deprives everyone of utopia, which they can deliver by forcing everyone to ‘go green'. Yet, all they have ever delivered is dystopia - disease, squalor, misery, deprivation, suffering and early death.

Dystopia follows the green movement like Sancho Panza followed Don Quixote, a mad man, but okay, I'm willing to go along with this provided all the activists and .....well..... anyone else on the left...... lead the way.  That's right, all of you folks can step right up and show the rest of us how it's done, move to totally primitive societies, take your children with you, and then let us watch and see how well that works out.

Any takers? 

We need to understand the left in all it's permutations, including environmentalism, and especially environmentalism, is now and has always been misanthropic.  The left's total lack of regard for human life has been demonstrated since the French Revolution.  As for their concern about non-human life, there's not been one communist nation that's ever been concerned about the environment once they got into power. 

The "moderates" among the greens want to eliminate between four and five billion people.  The "radicals" believe humanity is a virus that needs to be wiped out, and the moderates are quiet about it.  Not one of them will rebuke the "radicals".  Once that's understood everything they promote and everything they do makes sense. 

To be green is to be irrational, misanthropic and morally defective.   That's their history! So if they keep promoting things that leave disaster in its wake, we must conclude that absolutely is their agenda!  The greenies hate humanity!  We really do need to get that!

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