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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 22, 2021

There's Only One Remedy to the GOP's Liz Cheney Problem

 Matt Vespa Jul 21, 2021

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) is okay being the punching bag for the Republican base. She’s committed to being a willing participant in the Democrats’ January 6 hit job committee which has no other purpose than smearing Donald Trump and his supporters as domestic terrorists. That’s the goal. Cheney ripped into Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for pretty much not wanting to be a puppet for the Democratic Party’s attack machine.

“Any person who would be third in line to the presidency must demonstrate a commitment to the constitution and a commitment to the rule of law, and Minority Leader McCarthy has not done that,” she said today. That’s not what this is about, Liz. 

Reagan wrote today how Nancy Pelosi booted the Republicans McCarthy had selected for this select committee. Reps. Jim Banks (R-IN) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) were excluded. This move allowed McCarthy to blast the committee as a circus which it is, and his selections had its intended effect. 

“The rhetoric around this from the minority leaders and from those two members is disgraceful,” added Cheney. “The idea that any of this has become politicized is really unworthy of the office that we all hold."

My Take - There has got to be something seriously wrong with this woman's mind, and her history certainly seems to indicate that. Please review my The Liz Chaney Saga Continues.


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