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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 29, 2021

China Aims to Dominate Global Governance

By Steven Neill

A December 2020 report by the U.S. Department of the Navy divulged the following on China's methods for projecting its "true maritime power":

China's aggressive actions are undermining the international rules-based order, while its growing military capacity and capabilities are eroding U.S. military advantages at an alarming rate.  China has implemented a strategy and revisionist approach that aims at the heart of the United States' maritime power. It seeks to corrode international maritime governance, deny access to traditional logistical hubs, inhibit freedom of the seas, control use of key choke-points, deter our engagement in regional disputes, and displace the United States as the preferred partner in countries around the world.

China's aggressive fishing policies coincide with its aggression in other areas as well:...........Yet even with all of the above taking place, the West has consented to and even encouraged Chinese expansion, cedeing to China her path to a dominant role in world governance, allowing and even promoting more significant Chinese influence in the U.N. other world organizations.....................To Read More....


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