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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, June 10, 2021

The War of the Red Dragon

By | Jun 9, 2021 |  

Most conservatives know that our mainstream media is grossly dishonest, but I don’t think many people understand just how bad things are. Our media is not just left-leaning. It’s controlled by a hostile, foreign power.

We are at war.

I want to be very clear that though I am going into a full broadside against the Chinese Communist Party, I am in no way attacking or condemning the Chinese people. Mao Zedong killed at least 20 million of his own people, and the primary victims of the Chinese regime are the Chinese people themselves. I am writing this article in solidarity with the Chinese people, most of whom I believe would stand against the Chinese Communist Party, were they able to do so. If you get angry reading this, get angry at the party, and not the people.

Understand that the ‘product’ media houses produce is not media. Media houses do produce media, but the product they sell is not generally the media itself, so much as the audience that gathers to watch that media. A media house’s revenues come primarily through advertising dollars – in other words, by selling access to an audience. The larger the audience, the more revenue a media house can earn.

China has about 1.4 billion people. We have about 330 million people. That makes China about four times as big of a media market as is the United States. Time Warner is losing its shirt on CNN, but at the same time, Time Warner has entered into a partnership with China Media Capital (which is a fully-owned subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party), in the words of a joint statement by both companies, “capitalize on China’s rapidly expanding media sector as digital devices proliferate, and China’s demand for high-quality content across multiple platforms rises.”

Time Warner has agreed to submit all of its media – including media produced for the American market – to censorship from the Chinese Communist Party in return for access to the Chinese media market. Time Warner believes it will make far more money in China than in the United States, and was very happy to sell out the American people.

I’m picking on Time Warner, but all of our major media houses have similar agreements.

We would never allow our own government to censor our media outlets, and yet we allow a foreign, hostile power to do so. Nobody even seems to care, or more to the point, if people do care, there is nowhere to go with that caring – the media simply will not talk about it.

We saw similar Chinese influence over the NBA when Daryl Morey, who was the General Manager of the Houston Rockets, tweeted ‘Stand With Hong Kong’ in 2019.

The NBA had just inked a deal with the Chinese Communist Party, in which the NBA got access to the Chinese media market (including being able to play games in China), and in return, the NBA agreed to censor its personnel, including players, coaches, and anyone else employed by the league, or by any NBA affiliated teams, on the CCP’s behalf. Daryl Morey’s tweet was in breach of that contract.

The NBA signed away the free speech rights of everyone working in the NBA for access to the Chinese media market.

That is not to say that members of the NBA do not have free speech rights. They do. What the NBA has done is to make adherence to Chinese censorship a condition of employment.

Ask Lebron James to criticize China. He won’t do it, or more to the point, he can’t do it. LeBron James has no marketable skills outside of basketball, and nothing to fall back on should he decide that speaking out against China is worth losing his job over.

Speaking out against the United States, on the other hand, is profitable. Colin Kaepernick was statistically the worst quarterback in the NFL when he began kneeling for the National Anthem, and had recently been downgraded to a third-string quarterback. With his football career tanking, Kaepernick took a knee, and then inked a $100 million contract with Nike – a company that, unsurprisingly, uses what amounts to slave labor in China.

How ‘woke’ of him…

Nike also sells almost $7 billion worth of shoes and apparel in China. Every year.

Many on the political right are okay with Chinese censorship, as it is voluntary, and stopping it would require some kind of government action. It’s absolutely startling how many so-called ‘libertarians’ are willing to live under a communist yoke if the only way to avoid doing so is for government to prevent it.

There is an old saying that if you want to know who controls you, ask who it is that you cannot criticize.

The standard practice in naming viruses has always been to name them after the place where they originate, at least until a virus originated from a lab in Wuhan, China. At that point, our media told us that naming a virus after its place of origin was racist. We still name all of the variants of that virus after the place of origin (and name other new viruses that do not originate in China after their place of origin). You can have a Brazilian Variant, but not a China (or Wuhan) Flu. Why is that?

It is because we cannot criticize those who control us; we cannot criticize the Chinese Communist Party.

Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter, and other such ventures operate with the full support of the Chinese Communist Party, which uses such things to sow discord within our country. The CCP loves seeing riots across America, and China now openly berates our diplomats over our supposedly egregious civil rights record, using American media sources to press their point.

China doesn’t even need to make anti-American propaganda anymore. They use ours............To Read More.....

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