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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, June 7, 2021

Drug Legalization Is A Disaster, And Your Leaders Don't Care About You

Normalizing drug use is no longer an idea, it's a reality. And if you want to see what that reality looks like, take a walk through once-thriving downtown Denver.

Come back next week to catch more of “Culture War with The Federalist’s Chris Bedford.”

America has been fighting a war on drugs for decades now, and for almost as long we’ve been told by the left and many libertarians on the right that the best way to end the war is to surrender. Legalizing drugs, they say, would solve a bunch of our country’s problems, including high rates of imprisonment, fatherlessness, crime, cartel activity, excess overdose deaths, budget deficits. The list goes on.

Over the past few years, a strange alliance has formed to push the legalization agenda. It includes committed left-wingers eager to better society by freeing all its criminals, like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Democratic Machiavellis looking to rev up the youth vote, like foreign billionaire George Soros, and big tobacco lobbyists looking to take advantage of all their arable land and industrial rolling machines, like former Speaker of the House John Boehner.

This alliance’s biggest focus has been marijuana, but it’s not the only target. In Washington, D.C., where I live, a ballot measure just essentially legalized hallucinogenic drugs by ordering the police to make that law’s enforcement their lowest priority.

Across the United States in the other Washington, the city of Seattle has opened a government center where junkies and the insane can walk in off the street and get their heroin safely.

In between the coasts, in towns and cities both large and small, left-wing activist mayors, attorneys general, city councils, and the rest have moved to suspend enforcement and refuse to press charges for drug crimes that elected legislatures have explicitly banned. They’re working to defund, demoralize, undercut and even prosecute their policemen to such a degree that the police know to stop enforcing laws on the books against drug dealing, drug use, public intoxication, and all the nudity, defecation, petty crime, and many of the sexual and violent crimes that go with it.

In Nashville, the DA says he won’t enforce marijuana laws. In Baltimore, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced she’ll no longer prosecute drug possession, or other “low-level” crimes like prostitution. She justified it as a coronavirus measure, but do you really think she’ll change back later if she can get away with not doing so?................ To Read More....


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