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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, April 5, 2021

Vaccine Passports to Hell

Jeff Crouere Jeff Crouere | Apr 04, 2021
The latest CDC report shows that approximately 162 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered. This number is increasing steadily every day. These results show that millions of Americans are not reluctant to take the vaccine.   Despite the impressive distribution statistics, there is not universal support for the vaccine. On almost every major issue in the country there is diversity of opinion and this is certainly true for a topic as controversial as the COVID-19 vaccine.

A recent poll discovered that 41 percent of Republicans will not get the coronavirus vaccine. These results mimic other polls that have been taken in recent weeks. Unfortunately, these Republicans, along with millions of other Americans who refuse the vaccine, might face a severe infringement of their freedoms.  It seems that vaccine passports are being encouraged by the Biden administration and are being developed by their ideological partners in academia and corporate America.

On Friday, Cornell University President Martha Pollack and Provost Michael Kotlikoff issued a statement that all students returning to the “Ithaca, Geneva, and Cornell Tech campuses for the fall semester” will be required to have a COVID-19 “vaccination.”  This announcement follows a similar statement issued by Rutgers University last week. In the days ahead, many other universities will surely issue similar vaccine requirements for the fall semester.

The vaccine requirements will not be limited to colleges and universities. Soon, the leading corporations in the country may require a vaccine for their employees to work in office settings. Such vaccine passports may also be required to fly or to attend special events such as concerts and athletic contests.   The concept of vaccine passports should horrify Americans, regardless of their personal stance on the issue. As Americans, we should have the freedom to either take the vaccine or not...........To Read More...



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