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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Coronavirus, Fauci and America in Crisis By Rich Kozlovich

Fauci is a corrupt and dangerous idiot.  He's bounced back and forth like a rubber ball, and yesterday I posted this piece from Jeffrey Tucker, Three Books on the Covid/Lockdown Catastrophe, and one of them is this one: Faucian Bargain: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History by Steven Deace and Todd Erzen, noting the authors, "Not mincing words, they call this famous doctor “one of the most diabolical destroyers of self-governance and rugged individualism in all of American history.” It’s hard to disagree"

From the beginning I’ve stated this pandemic "crisis" is not science, it’s hysteria, and time has shown me to be correct. don't work.  Lockdowns don't work.  Social distancing doesn't work, and here

I've stated only two things work.  Vaccines and herd immunity.  As for this virus being extremely contagious, I  think that's predicated on numbers that have been shown to be fraudulent, so that's up in the air, and not just those tested, which is a farce since this has never been done on this scale in the past, but also those who've died, and once again we see fraud occurring unendingly. The contagious nature of this virus is being overrated, just like the global warming doom sayers. Lessons In Woke "Science": Covid-19 And Climate.

I've stayed out of the vaccine arguments for two reasons.  First, I've seen studies in my industry come under attack and found those attacks were meaningless, and I've seen studies come under attack and proved absolutely valid.  Secondly, I don't feel competent enough to evaluate studies until I seen enough history.  But my ignorance isn't singular as Jordan Schachtel notes in this P&D post There Is No Such Thing as a Public Health Expert.

The accounts I've read go back and forth to the point I have no idea who's right and who's wrong, who's lying and self serving, and who's altruistic, with the exception of Fauci, and the Cuomo governor crowd.  They're vile. 

Predicated on all I've seen, written about and posted from others, this isn't about public health it's about big government tyranny, taking the normal and natural fears of people and turning it into junk science hysteria.  Keep the people terrified, isolated and broke and you create an dependent society of obedient automatons.  

There is one thing I do know.  There's problems with new technology all the time and there's problems with vaccines that have proven "safe" all the time.  This will have to play out to know what's really factual.  Here's the link to my

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