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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Georgia Senate Runoff Candidate Raphael Warnock Thinks Killing Babies in Abortions is Biblical

Micaiah Bilger  Nov 6, 2020 

Georgia pro-life Sen. Kelly Loeffler is facing a runoff race against a pro-abortion Democrat who believes the Bible justifies the killing of unborn babies in abortions.   Neither Loeffler nor the Rev. Raphael Warnock, her Democrat opponent, received more than 50 percent of votes earlier this week, pushing the race into a runoff election in January. Loeffler’s seat is key to stopping radical pro-abortion legislation from passing in the future.

Loeffler is a Republican who sponsored two pro-life bills during her short time in the U.S. Senate: the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. She has a 100-percent pro-life rating from the National Right to Life Committee.

In contrast, Warnock supports abortion on demand and believes that his position is “consistent” with the Bible. In August, he told podcast host Tim Bryan that the decision to abort an unborn baby should be up to a woman “and her doctor and her minister.” He said he believes health care is a “human right,” and abortion is part of that.

“[A]nd for me, reproductive justice is consistent with my commitment to that,” Warnock said. “I believe unequivocally in a woman’s right to choose.”.............To Read More.. 

  1. Georgia Democrat Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock Supported Ending Cash Bail Long Before the DNC Added It As Policy in 2020     
  2. Pastor Raphael Warnock: I “Will Always Fight” for Killing Babies in Abortions  
  3. Warnock was Youth Pastor at Racist Church That Hosted Castro  
  4. Ossoff, Warnock Campaign with Democrat Congressman Who Called Jews ‘Termites’


  1. Of course it's consistent with the Bible, in the sense that Gehenna was the site of Canaanite human sacrifices. Warnock is about as much of a pastor as Charles Manson.
