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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Daily Signal

After Nice, France Grapples With How to Combat Terrorism

Focus has partially shifted away from eliminating terrorism's root causes and toward finding ways to effectively mitigate the terrorist threat through better security.
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Republicans Accuse Democrats of 'Privately' Obstructing Probe of Fetal Tissue Market

An interim report released by Republicans suggests that, motivated by a need for revenue, abortion clinics and middleman procurement companies engaged in regulatory shortcuts that violate federal law and regulations.
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Personal Experience Convinced Sen. Tim Scott on Need for Police Body Cameras

Sen. Tim Scott wishes the police officers who he believes egregiously stopped him various times were wearing body cameras, so that the public could see what he saw.
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The Attempted Coup Reveals Turkey's Instability. That's Bad News for the US.

Instead of being a leader in the region, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will focus a lot of resources and energy at home bringing the plotters to justice. This invites Russia and ISIS, for example, to take advantage of the situation.
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House Conservatives Explain Latest IRS Chief Impeachment Push: 'Leadership Has Been Too Timid to Go After Corruption'

"It raises a fundamental question: Are folks in Washington above the law?" Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan., told The Daily Signal.
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These Are the Tools We Need to Win the Long War Against Islamist Terrorism

The U.S. has faced 89 Islamist terror plots or attacks against the homeland since 9/11, with over a quarter of those occurring in the past 18 months.
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Democrat AGs Targeting Climate 'Dissenters' Face Legal Demand to Disclose Ties to Environmental Groups

"The attorneys general have appointed themselves to decide what is valid and what is invalid regarding climate change," says Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, speaking of AGs including New York's Eric Schneiderman, pictured above with Al Gore. "The attorneys general are pursuing a political agenda at the expense of scientists' right to free speech."
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As This School District Sets New Transgender Guidelines, Parents Fight for Transparency

The regulations allow transgender students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms they say correspond to their gender identity, and to participate in school-sponsored sports, clubs, and other activities in accordance with their gender identity.
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How the GOP Senate Is Boosting Obama’s Judicial Legacy

If the Senate were to take no further action during the final six months of Barack Obama's presidency, he will have secured confirmation of 329 judges. By comparison, George W. Bush had 312 confirmed at this point in his second term.
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Ginsburg's Gabfest Suggests She's No Impartial Judge

In an interview with The New York Times, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg commented that she "can't imagine" a Trump presidency and joked that if he is elected, it will be "time for [her] to move to New Zealand."
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Your First Amendment Rights Are Under Attack. Here's How We Protect Them.

Last year, U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli confirmed that if the Supreme Court created a right to same-sex marriage, then the Internal Revenue Service would be empowered to revoke the tax-exempt status of religious institutions that maintain a traditional belief of marriage, write Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Rep. Raúl Labrador, R-Idaho.
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Republicans Slip Ex-Im Language Into Appropriations Bill, Setting Up Fall Showdown

Prominent Republicans in the House and Senate have resurrected a fight over the Export-Import Bank after slipping language into appropriations bills that would allow the contested agency to, in effect, approve transactions benefiting its largest beneficiaries.
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Ahead of Election, House Conservatives Focus on 5 Issues

"We want to spend more time on legislation that will restore and protect your freedoms, and we do have time to take action this fall," says Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio. "And the House Freedom Caucus is committed to doing so."
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