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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Newt’s Right. Cull and Deport Sharia Muslims.

By J. Robert Smith

Lies have ways of being ground to dust by cruel realities. The liars, when it comes to the jihad against us, principally, are Democrats, though they have some enablers among the Republican establishment. Paul Ryan needs to zip his lip about compassion for Syrian refugees.

The blood of innocents just spilled in Nice -- and in Orlando, San Bernardino, and Paris -- all within the span of less than a year -- tells a horrific tale. The killers do so for Allah. Misfits some of the killers may be, but misfits of a certain faith and similar cultural backgrounds, they are.

They’re perfect recruits in a highly unconventional war against the West and U.S. Last week comes Newt Gingrich with a modest proposition: test Muslims here for their Sharia fealty. The price of loyalty to Sharia, per Newt, is deportation. President Obama branded Newt’s common sense as “repugnant”.

Said Newt to Sean Hannity...........Read more

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