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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Heritage Foundation

The holiday fireworks are over, but Congress may be the scene of another show. Here is your weekly insight: Senate Republicans have scheduled a vote to withhold funds for "sanctuary" cities, the House will resume its fight on gun control, and the NATO alliance gathers in Warsaw, Poland, during a critical moment for the organization. —Michelle Cordero, Managing Editor,

"Sanctuary" cities put law-abiding citizens at risk.
The Senate will vote on two bills this week to address local jurisdictions that don't cooperate with U.S. immigration officials. The bills were inspired by Kate Steinle,  the San Francisco woman who was shot and killed by illegal immigrant from Mexico with a criminal record and multiple deportations. President Obama is putting our security at risk by failing to enforce our laws and ignoring border security. We need an orderly process that rewards legal immigrants instead of illegal immigrants who break our laws to come and stay here. Heritage has a 10-step checklist for revitalizing America's immigration system.

Stop pretending the threat from Islamist terrorism doesn't exist.
Despite opposition from conservatives, the House plans to vote later this week on a gun control bill that would ban firearms sales to those on the no-fly list. This comes on the heels of a sit-in by Democrats meant to demand action on more gun control measures after the terrorist attack in Orlando. Such measures would not have stopped attacks such as the one in Orlando. To defeat the ISIS threat at home, we need to understand the nature of the threat of Islamist extremism  and stop pretending it doesn't exist.

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