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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, July 18, 2016

Egyptian General CALLS OUT Obama on ISIS and Has This Extremely Important Message for Americans

By Dave Jolly

Ever since the inexperienced and unqualified Muslim named Barack Hussein Obama fraudulently made his way into the White House seven years ago, it’s been obvious that he has been waging a war against Christianity and Judaism, while bending over backwards and violating federal laws to flood America with Muslims.  I just became aware of a video on YouTube of an Egyptian newscast that shows just how much the rest of the world sees Obama’s failures, laugh and mistrust him as well as question if he or Michelle Obama is running America into destruction.   Here is the transcript of the Egyptian news report and it’s difficult to distinguish which person of the panel of three is speaking, one of which is retired Egyptian General Mahmoud Mansour:.....To Read More...

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