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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, March 7, 2014

Climate Data vs. Climate Models

Why do climate change assessments overlook the differences between the climate models they use and the empirical data?

By Patrick J. Michaels and Paul C. Knappenberger

Editor’s Note:  This is a small part of a larger article worth reading. 


The three national assessments suffer from common problems largely related to inadequate climate models and selective scientific citations. The 2000 assessment used models that were the most extreme ones available and had the remarkable quality of generating “anti-information.” The 2009 assessment used a very low significance criterion for the essential precipitation variable. The draft version of the newest assessment employs operationally meaningless precipitation forecasts.

In all three assessments, the climate models likely havetoo high a climate sensitivity, resulting in overestimates of future change.

In the assessment process, scientists whose professional advancement is tied to the issue of climate change are the authors. Critics participate only during the public comment period, and there is no guarantee that the criticism will alter the contents. For example, the calculation that the residual variance in the first assessment forecasts was greater than the variance of the observed climate data should have been fatal—but, despite that calculation (which was seconded by the most senior climate scientist on the panel that produced it), the report subsequently appeared as if nothing had happened……
To Read More….

My Take - As I said all along - Game Boy science!  When you only put in the data you choose versus all the data available, then it’s not science.  Models are not 'science'!   Models are supposed to be tools to aid science. When we abandon what we see going on in reality and historical background we have abandoned the search fo r truth, which is what science is supposed to uncover.

Winston Churchill once said experts should be on tap, not on top, and scientists were experts - now they're stooges, and they’re stooges attempting to make policy.  When 80 to 90 percent of all studies are incapable of being replicated the term scientific integrity becomes an oxymoron, and someone needs to go to jail for fraud. 

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